Published in
5 min readMay 28, 2019

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

1. Gram dApp Devs Reveal Details of Telegram Messenger ’s Secretive Blockchain

Button Wallet is slated to be one of the first decentralized applications to launch on Telegram’s new blockchain, Telegram Open Network (TON). The secretive project recently opened to beta development, and Button published a blog post detailing how it works currently.

[Source: CCN] ✩✩✩✩✩

2. EOS Price Pumps Whopping 20 Percent, Block.One Prepares Social Media Launch

On Monday, 27 May, the market is showing one more wave of green along the whole crypto market. At press-time, literally on four low-cap coins are in the red. The top-ten group is showing a few top-performers with EOS showing the highest growth among them. EOS price surge is due to the major announcement to be made soon on June 1.

A special website has been set up where anyone can subscribe to the announcement when the time comes. From the website, where Block.One has published its recently obtained trademark MEOS it seems that the crypto giant is preparing to launch a social network

[Source: U.Today] ✩✩✩✩

3. Yahoo! Japanese Cryptocurrency Exchange Taotao Confirms May 30 Launch

Japanese cryptocurrency exchange Taotao will launch its trading service on May 30, Cointelegraph Japan reported Monday, quoting a social media update.

Taotao, which is 40% owned by internet giant Yahoo! Japan’s YJFX, will initially offer trading in bitcoin (BTC) and ether (ETH).

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩✩✩

4. Telangana State Government in India Announces Blockchain Policy

The state government in Telangana in Southern India has announced its initial draft blockchain policy which is expected to be upheld and implemented within a month. The new development will mean that Telangana will become the first Indian state to come up with a pro-blockchain policy.

[Source: Bitcoinnews] ✩✩✩✩

5. Justin Sun Announces BitTorrent Inc. File System

As revealed by Justin Sun in a tweet on 27 May, 2019, Tron will be launching the BitTorrent File System (BTFS) as the world’s largest decentralized file sharing protocol with over 100 million existing users. This comes less than a day after Justin Sun announced that something exciting would be arriving by June 1, 2019.

[Source: BTCManager] ✩✩✩

6. Crypto is Here to Stay? Microsoft Adds Bitcoin Symbol to its Excel Program

The Bitcoin symbol appears to have been added to Microsoft Excel. Users of the spreadsheet creation software will soon be able to include the Bitcoin symbol as a currency when recording financial data.

The move is the latest sign from the giant tech firm that Bitcoin is more than just a passing fad. Interestingly, no other crypto assets appear to have been included as part of the update.

[Source: NewsBTC] ✩✩✩

7. Governor Of The Reserve Bank Of Malawi Warns Citizens Against Investment In Crypto

According to reports published by a local news source, NyasaTimes, The Reserve Bank of Malawi (RBM) has joined the list of countries to have issued warnings to the citizens about the potential pitfalls of investing in cryptocurrency and related schemes. The said warning was released in the form of a statement, which is in response to the growing public interest regarding digital assets, was released on Monday by the Governor of RBM, Dalitso Kabambe.

[Source: BTCWires] ✩✩✩✩

8. Korea’s Oldest Bank Launches National Blockchain-Based Loan Platform

Korea’s oldest bank, Shinhan Bank, has launched a blockchain-enabled lending platform to speed up the loan process, South Korean news agency Yonhap reports on May 27.

Shinhan Bank’s blockchain-powered loan system intends to boost cost and time efficiencies in the lending process, reportedly enabling the public to apply for loans online and get their credits without face-to-face interaction.

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩✩

9. ConsenSys Launches ‘Jobs Kit’ to Help Devs Enter the Blockchain Industry

Ethereum development studio ConsenSys has launched a blockchain “job kit” to guide developers wishing to enter the growing blockchain space.

Released Friday, the kit provides a variety of resources, including information on the skills needed to find work as an ethereum blockchain and decentralized application (dapp) developer.

[Source: Coindesk] ✩✩✩

10. China’s Latest Crypto Rankings: EOS Retains Top Spot, Bitcoin in 12th Place

China updated its cryptocurrency rankings on May 23 — with eos retaining the top spot and bitcoin moving up three places.

The government-sponsored index assessed each blockchain on three criteria: technology, application and innovation.

[Source: Cointelegraph] ✩✩✩✩

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