You wanna connect on conferences or invite me, feel free to shoot me a message talentcrush at
The Secret HR Society Inspire Session, Berlin 8.05.2019, Topic: Employer Branding from Zero to Big Budget (invite only)
Clever HR, Berlin 16.05.2019, Topic: Mit Mobile Recruiting die Kandidaten begeistern (in German)
Stick & Stones, Berlin 25.05.2019, Topic: Why it’s fabulous being gay in the venture capital world
Gravity+ Conference, Berlin 4/5.04.2019, Workshop, Topic: Data-Driven Talent Acqusition ist der neue Standart. Aber was ist mit Data-Driven Employer Branding? (in German)
APX Nasty Women, Berlin 21.03.2019, Topic: Implementing inclusion
Forum Marketing & Recruiting in der Zeitarbeit, Halle Münsterland 19.03.2019, Topic: Daten sind sexy. Employer Brands nachhaltig bauen und messen. (in German)
Employer Branding Meetup, Berlin 26.02.2019, Topic: First things first, how to setup an employer brand from scratch
Join HR Social Club, Berlin 12.02.2019, Topic: Matchmaking in Recruiting: Love is in the aiHR — Valentine’s Special
Tech Rec Conference, Berlin 21/22.11.2018, Speaker, Topic: Employer Branding — how to make your company sexy for tech talents
Social Recruiting Days, Berlin 29/30.10.2018, Speaker, Topic: Talent Sourcing: Supercharge your Talentpool: How to Convince and Convert your Leads
Hiring Success Europe, Berlin, 19/20.9.2018, Guest
Gravity+ Conference, Berlin, 3/4.5.2018, Speaker, Topic: Data-informed Employer Branding: How to use data to ramp up your Employer Brand