28 — Former player and DCU employee

Andrew Ingalls
Published in
1 min readMar 8, 2018

Soccer Players

  1. How long did you play soccer for? 5- Present (23)
  2. Where did you play? What level? Played in rec leagues until I was eligible for travel. Travel: 4th-12th grade. Played competitively in HS (Varsity & Club), decided to not play competitively in College so I just played for my College’s club team. Still dabble in adult leagues.
  3. How involved were your parents? Very involved, pretty sure they came to all of my travel games and all of my home high school games/ some away games.
  4. Did you ever try and play at a higher level (i.e., go to college, play for an academy, etc.)? Considered playing in college and talked to a few coaches but ultimately decided I didn’t want that for my college experience.
  5. If yes, what would have made your recruitment better or easier? Having a better understanding of the system may have been beneficial but, I’m not sure if that would have ultimately changed my decision.

