Adventures in ETH Denver: Fluence, Developer DAO, and winning ETH VC Demo Day!

Kirsten Pomales
3 min readMar 13, 2023


Greetings! Kirsten from TalentLayer here — the decentralized protocol for labor markets. Thanks to Fluence and Developer DAO, I was one of four TalentLayer team members who went to ETHDenver to hack! It was such an exciting event, and honestly one of the best weeks ever.

One of the most unique aspects of ETHDenver was the energy that the attendees brought to the event. People from all over the world were there, and everyone was so passionate about blockchain and crypto. It was amazing to see so many talented individuals come together to work on innovative projects.

As a team, we built BetteRPC, a decentralized RPC gateway that aims to accelerate the future of Web3 infrastructure decentralization. We used Fluence, a decentralized serverless platform and computing marketplace powered by blockchain economics, to create BetteRPC. Our project is able to achieve efficient, reliable and anonymous RPC calls by leveraging a peer-to-peer network powered by Fluence. We believe that this project will be crucial to the continued development of Web3 infrastructure.

Check out BetteRPC here!

In other news… one of the most exciting things that happened to me at ETHDenver was winning a pitch competition that was hosted at the event. More than 200 teams applied to participate in the competition, but only 30 were selected to present their projects. I was one of the three winners, and I was so proud of our team’s work.

At ETHDenver, I had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people in the crypto community. It was inspiring to see how passionate everyone was about building a decentralized future. I also had the chance to learn about new projects and technologies that are being developed in the space. It was a great opportunity to network and collaborate with other developers.

Finally, I want to thank Developer DAO and Fluence for sponsoring our team to attend ETHDenver. Without their support, we would not have been able to participate in this amazing event. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of this incredible experience. Also, thanks for the SICK WINTER SCARF!!!

LFG! Let’s Fluence Go! 🚀

