Builder Highlight: XMTP x TalentLayer Bounty @ ETH Paris

Meet the winner of the ETH Paris XMTP x TalentLayer bounty

Kirsten Pomales
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2023


This year at ETHGlobal Paris TalentLayer partnered with XMTP on a joint bounty to build cool hybrid work/messaging apps. We had a blast supporting devs, working the booth with the XMTP team, and announcing the winner of the bounty! Here’s the recap.

The Bounty: “In-Chat HiringManagement Using XMTP and TalentLayer”

What was the challenge?

During ETH Global Paris, hackers were tasked with using XMTP and TalentLayer to build a messaging app with native features to manage hiring and paying bounties for gig or short-term work.

For example, imagine if you could submit your hackathon project, get it approved for a bounty, and receive payment, all with a few DMs, without leaving your messaging app. This is possible thanks to the composability between XMTP, an open protocol and dev toolkit for messaging applications and TalentLayer, a low-level protocol and toolkit for building work platforms.

It’s now possible for a hiring manager can create a gig post, deposit funds to an escrow, receive proposal submissions from applicants, be prompted to approve a submission and release payment — all via in-app messaging.

Read the full bounty here.

To support hackers building easily with TalentLayer and XMTP, the TalentLayer team launched a new StarterKit right before ETH Global Paris.

Check out the StarterKit here.

A hackathon wouldn’t be complete without swag. For teams looking to build with XMTP and TalentLayer we gave out some sick keychains (and macaroons).

The Process: Helping Hackers!

Throughout the hackathon Kirsten and Romain were helping hackers ship their projects. Was cool to be on the other side of the hackathon, helping hackers instead of building— since we are usually hacking ourselves at hackathons!

The Winner: FreeLens!

In the end, the winning team of the XMTP x TalentLayer bounty was FreeLens! A DM-based hiring platform built by @0xRapha!

With Freelens, “employers have the convenience of creating work bounties (gigs) directly from the chat by simply writing a prompt such as “/create-gig [Gig name] [Bounty amount and currency].” Once created, the gig is instantly displayed to the candidate in their chat, simultaneously generating a corresponding Gig entry on TalentLayer with a unique gig ID. The candidate can readily accept the gig from the chat by clicking an embedded button within the gig message, triggering the creation of a Proposal, which is also saved on TalentLayer. Employers have the ability to accept the proposal, which then updates the gig’s status, preventing any further submissions to this specific bounty.”

Check out their submission here.

Congrats again to the FreeLens team! Looking forward to seeing you at future hackathons.


