Boost Your Profile with MyPrint®

Emily Sloan
Talentoday’s blog
4 min readApr 7, 2020

You just completed your MyPrint® assessment, you recognize your strengths and reviewed your personality radar — now what? Luckily for the Talentoday community, there are unique ways to use your MyPrint® results to boost your profile for potential employers, within your network, and possibly to foster internal mobility. In The Hard Truth about Soft Skills¹, David Lambert, the president of Pinnacle Placements, sheds light around the importance of soft skills in hiring, saying “Hard skills will get you the interview — soft skills will get you the job.” To help Talentoday’s community land the job and achieve their career goals, we’re here to provide additional insight on using your MyPrint® assessment results to enhance your resume and boost your LinkedIn profile.

Validate Your Soft Skills with Talentoday

When updating your LinkedIn, creating your resume, or even during a job interview, it’s easy to speak to your soft skills, such as being “detail oriented” and “determined.” However, for recruiters and hiring managers, the ability to validate this before making a hiring decision isn’t foolproof. With MyPrint®, you’re able to change the way you present yourself by backing your soft skills with science. At Talentoday, when developing the MyPrint® assessment, our team of experts utilized premier industry practices, such as IRT scoring (formally known as item response theory scoring) to test and enhance the assessments validity, and also gained an accreditation from the American Psychological Association (APA) to establish credibility and ensure our assessment provides meaningful, scientifically-grounded, results.

Supercharge Your Resume with Soft Skills and Professional Behaviors

When creating your resume, there are a number of ways that can utilize MyPrint® to show your strengths. To do so, we suggest that you add a Talentoday specific soft skills section to your resume. Additionally, you also have the option to download and provide recruiters, and/or hiring managers, with your full one-page report.

For examples on how to use MyPrint® to enhance your resume, see the below examples:

  1. From the Profile section of the Talentoday app, take a snapshot of your personality radar and include it in your resume.
  2. From the one-page report, list our top three personality traits and provide the ranking visually from your percentage on the personality criteria pole. You can go one step further by including a brief description of what this trait means, based on the description in the one-page report.
  3. From the one-page report, insert a snapshot of your top three professional behaviors exhibited.

Showcase Your Uniqueness on LinkedIn

With nearly 675 million members on LinkedIn², Talentoday can be used as a tool to make your profile unique and provide further insights into who you are. To add your MyPrint® profile, or your one-page report, you can use the “Feature” section of LinkedIn to add an image, or PDF, with a brief description (as seen in the images below). We suggest adding a snapshot of your personality radar or the full one-page report. In the Feature’s description section, you also have the ability to add the full URL link to your Talentoday member profile.

Through Talentoday’s application directly, you also have the ability to post your Talentoday profile to your feed on LinkedIn (as well as Facebook and Twitter), by clicking the appropriate social icon as found in the upper right side of your Profile page:

Now that you have the right tools to share your soft-skill insights in a more meaningful way, take another look at your profile and the one-page report. Of the results provided, and our recommendations on how to share your results, pick items that best highlight your professional strengths and allow you to present yourself to potential employers, or just generally within your network, in a unique way that is tailored to you.

Haven’t taken the MyPrint® assessment yet? Set aside 25 minutes, in a non-distracting space, and click “Take the free test” on our company website ( to begin.

For more information about our science and product, visit our company website or you can reach out to us directly at

