The New Era of Remote Talent Acquisition

Hire in-house or remotely? Let’s dive into numbers.

Anna Sisianu
4 min readFeb 10, 2023


The tech industry is constantly evolving and the demand for skilled professionals continues to grow. However, finding the right candidate with the necessary skills and experience can be a challenging and time-consuming task, especially in a remote work environment.

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What is the most important and solution-oriented approach? In a traditional situation or case, you may hire recruiters, sources to help them find candidates, and some technical team members to evaluate the technical skills of candidates.

Yes, it may sound usual, but thinking in numbers, if you need to hire a team of 5 talented developers, QA engineers, and UI/UX designers what resources will you need to use?

Let’s count you have only 1 recruiter and 3 sources. According to statistics, the yearly average salary for an entry-level recruiter (with 1–3 years experience) working in Europe is around €52k. An average yearly salary for an entry-level technical sourcer (with 1–3 years of experience) is around 39k. To successfully close a vacancy, a team may need up to 3–6 months, let’s think about the minimum needed time here. And let’s count we will need only 1 technical guru to evaluate any stack (an extraterrestrial specialist, maybe) and this magical person can do this in only 1 hour per candidate. In 3 months this guru spoke with 1 candidate per week, and his hourly cost is only €100.

We’ve helped companies and startups to hire 2000+ specialists. We expect to double this number in 2023–2024. — Talents.Tech.

So an approximate budget to close 1 vacancy will be: €52k/4 (investment in recruiter) + (€39k/4)*3 (investment in 3 sourcers) + 1*4*3*100 (one candidate per week, 4 weeks per month, 3 months, guru’s rate) = 13k + 29.2k + 1.2k = €43400 — this is the price you pay for personnel that selects 1 of your team members. And you needed 5, right? So, along with €43k * 5, you will lose 3 * 5 (months), and what if the selected people won’t succeed and you will need to replace him/her? Or what if you will also need to pay all this time for logistics (office rent, electricity, the price for announcements, etc). This will also be an expense for your cozy wallet. Your dream team will cost you so much more than only money and time. You will also use mental resources.

Knowing all these pains not only from books and movies, a team of HR, along with an IT company that operates for more than 10 years, having in mind making the world a better place, launched Talents.Tech.

This platform merges cutting-edge AI technology (Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines) with the experience of a renowned IT service company (with 12 years of experience in outsourcing and outstaffing services) and a dedicated HR team (with relevant master degree, international training, and 10 years of experience in all HR stages) to create, monitor and improve a professional community while connecting projects and talents. This eliminates the need for multiple sources and recruiters and saves you time, money, and headaches from logistics issues.

No more dealing with multiple sources and recruiters who may not have the technical expertise to understand the evolving needs of the tech industry. Talents.Tech is dedicated to providing a customized solution that fits the unique needs of both clients and candidates.


For job seekers, this platform provides an opportunity to find a job that fits their schedules, location, and skills. Whether you’re looking for a short-term project or a long-term role, Talents.Tech has got you covered. With a vast network of clients and projects, you’re sure to find a job that matches your expertise.

For businesses, this platform provides a fast and efficient solution to find the best talent to meet their needs. No more wasting time and resources on outdated recruitment methods and sources. With Talents.Tech, you’ll have access to a pool of qualified and experienced candidates who are ready to take on your project.

We offer experienced dedicated teams who speak your language, accommodate your business hours and share your culture. — Talents.Tech.

Collaboration between clients and candidates can be short-term or long-term based, and Talents.Tech is designed to provide a flexible solution for both variants. The platform streamlines the talent acquisition process, making it easier for clients to find the right candidate and for job seekers to find the right job.

Say goodbye to the old ways of remote talent sourcing and embrace the new era with Talents.Tech. The future of remote talent acquisition in the tech industry is here. Enjoy!

