November 2018 Newsletter

Ricky Argenbright
Tales Around the Mana Pool
Sent as a


3 min readNov 12, 2018
Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash

Happy autumnal summoning everyone!

I hope this newsletter finds you well, readers. As the seasons go round and round once more, we find the leaves changing and falling, bowing before the inevitable white storms of winter. Be sure to grab a warm cup of tea and enjoy the pre-ThanksgivingBlackFridayCyberMonday with your family and friends.

This last month has been quite a journey for me, as well as for my family. We have lost someone very close to us during this colorful season. It’s a natural part of life, although we wish God could have allowed her to stay with us longer. We wish her spirit well as she now looks down on us from above. She was loved dearly, and she will be missed!

Setting the heart aside for a moment, I’ll let you guys in on what I have managed to get done through this delicate time.

My website, as some of you may have noticed, has not been updated in a while. Don’t worry, I haven’t stopped. I’m not entirely sure it would be possible even if I wanted to. The primary series that I’m working on is coming along, although not at the pace I would like due to the circumstances.

I have decided to take this opportunity to let you all know that my first book will not be released on its own. It was going to be a surprise, but I simply can’t hold it in any longer. I do remember mentioning that I had to split the super giant mega version of the book into three parts, but I was only going to publish them one at a time. I am here to tell you that they will most likely be released all together as an exciting trilogy!

Each book stands alone on its own. They will not be considered parts of a single project. As the story unfolds beyond what is currently written, there will be more books to add to the series in regular intervals.

As far as progress goes, I am on the editing phase of two of the three books. I will most likely finish writing the third before I go back and finish editing the first, to ensure when I split the book into three that I didn’t make any terribly embarrassing mistakes. It will take more adjustment and polishing than I imagine would normally have been required because of the split.

It’s a labor of love!

For those who are simply waiting for some manner of a release date, I can only say that I have a projection. Since this will be my first published novel, I am working with a very loose timeline to get a feel for the entire process. I also have some special goodies that I’d like to include within each book, and I’d like to see if I can make that happen before my tentative date.

At this time, I’m not ready to establish even a loose release date.

Things change, and I may very well change my mind soon enough. It’s the beauty of freedom! By the way, Happy Belated Veterans Day to all of those who have served! My own term in the Air Force lasted for six years, and I am very happy to have done it.

My other projects have been put on a temporary hold to regain focus and push through with my main novel series. I’d like to stick to my tentative date if I can. If I find that I hit my markers on time going forward, the date will become public knowledge through a future newsletter first. Keep checking back to make sure you are the first to know!

As always, I appreciate you investing your valuable time in the news I have about my upcoming projects. Without you, there is no purpose for me. So, thank you!



Ricky Argenbright
Tales Around the Mana Pool

Slave✝️ | Developer💻 | Storyteller📜 | Drummer🥁 | Artist🎨 | Gamer🎮 | Explorer🌍