September 2018 Newsletter

Ricky Argenbright
Tales Around the Mana Pool
Sent as a


2 min readSep 2, 2018
“selective focus photography of bonfire” by Mark Tegethoff on Unsplash

Hello again, readers!

From an end of summer bonfire, I raise my glass to you, hoping that your time in the sun has been invigorating!

I know that I sent a newsletter just recently, but I am working my hardest to make sure that I get news to you within the first week of each month. The summer has been filled with a flurry of adventures and some furious writing, so it has been difficult to keep to the desired schedule. Consider this the beginning of my commitment to you to make sure that it happens. Feel free to keep me in check if you like! I will never turn away constructive criticism.

August proved to be a very productive month for me. I completed another large chunk of the first book of the Enlightenment Archive, both a beginning and crowning endeavor for my journey into the world of writing. The further I get into it, the more I find myself becoming antsy for its completion. I would love to get it into your hands, and am working hard to do so! I’ve breached the halfway point and can feel the downhill slope coming quickly. Stay tuned for exciting news as it gets closer to completion.

I also began work on a fantasy/scifi short story collection called Tales Around the Mana Pool. The idea is based on my publication here on Medium, titled in the same manner, where stories of fantastic things can be told, just like those gathered around a campfire.

Significant progress was done on the outline for my upcoming secret project, which will remain undisclosed until I begin the first draft. It is a theme I have been excited to explore, and will be sure to share more about it as I get things organized.

On another note, you may have been thinking, ‘hey, wasn’t he supposed to produce a short story a few months ago?’ And you would be correct. I apologize for how long it has taken to get to you. My editor has been extremely busy with life, including the birth of his second child, a beautiful baby girl! I have not broken my promise, I PROMISE. As soon as it is finished with editing, I will take a second pass through the draft and will ensure it is posted for all to see. As a token of my appreciation for your patient waiting, I will post some details about the story, perhaps even a prelude to it, when the initial editing process is finished.

As always, be sure to check in on my self-named website for news and updates to upcoming projects. I keep progress bars for each project to make them easy to track. Feel free to investigate for full details.

Thanks for reading!



Ricky Argenbright
Tales Around the Mana Pool

Slave✝️ | Developer💻 | Storyteller📜 | Drummer🥁 | Artist🎨 | Gamer🎮 | Explorer🌍