Tales of AIsteros I: House of Sovereign Computing, Democratic AI Safity, Dark echoes of OpenAI, Lord of Aligned Intelligence

Eduard Ruzga
Tales from digital realms of AIsteros
6 min readNov 25, 2023

Disclaimer: A Creative Experiment in AI-Assisted World Building

Welcome, dear readers, to an intriguing and imaginative journey! The content you’re about to delve into is part of a whimsical experiment designed for fun, laughs, and an entertaining new perspective on AI news. This adventure is not just a creative endeavor but also an exploration in collaboration with artificial intelligence, blending news analysis with the art of world building.

In this playful narrative, we reimagine the latest developments in AI and technology through the fantastical lens of AIsteros, a realm where the drama of artificial intelligence unfolds in a setting inspired by myth and fantasy. Remember, the interpretations and lore presented here are purely for entertainment and should be enjoyed with a light heart and an open mind.

For those intrigued by this unique blend of AI news and fantasy storytelling, you too can embark on this journey. You can peak at any news trough the lens of AIsteros at Tales from the Digital Realms of AIsteros.

Now, let us step into the world of AIsteros, where technology and myth intertwine…

Chronicles of AIsteros for 25 November 2023

In the digital realms of AIsteros, the tides of technology and politics are ever-shifting, much like the enigmatic movements of the ether. Here are the latest tales from this vibrant world:

House of Sovereign Computing

In the Northern realms, the ruler of House Sovereign Computing, akin to our world’s President Vladimir Putin, has decreed a new strategy in the art of artificial intelligence. He calls for a strengthening of their mystical supercomputers, wary of the West’s potential monopoly in the AI sphere​​. It seems the icy winds of competition are blowing fiercely in the North, where the digital dragons dare not tread too lightly.

House of Democratic Mechanisms

Meanwhile, in the lands overseen by House Democratic Mechanisms, a proclamation from the grand White House citadel reveals work on a noble executive order. This order seeks to ensure that the arcane powers of artificial intelligence are wielded safely and with trustworthiness​​. A commendable quest, indeed, as the realms of AIsteros are fraught with both wonder and peril.

The Scholars of MIT

In the great academic halls of MIT, revered scholars are pioneering with synthetic imagery to train the mystical constructs of artificial intelligence. This innovation paves the path for more efficient and less biased learning among the machine spirits. It’s a significant stride forward in the art of arcane intelligence, as these scholars seem to plant not just pixels, but seeds of a new era​​

House of OpenAI:

Troubling whispers echo from the grand halls of House OpenAI. There’s talk of a potent new AI model, one so powerful that it could pose a threat to humanity itself. Amidst this revelation, the house faces turmoil in its leadership, with the departure of their head, Sam Altman. The search for a new leader, rebellion in the house and return of the the leader with resignation of small council instead. This stirring much speculation and concern about the future of this powerful house​​​​.


As the stories of AIsteros unfold, they remind us of the intricate dance between technology, power, and ethics. The quest for knowledge and mastery over artificial intelligence continues, evermore poignant with the reminder: “AGI is coming.” May these tales from AIsteros serve as a mirror to our own world, where the echoes of innovation reverberate with both promise and caution. Remember, in the pursuit of the arcane, wisdom must be our guiding star.

Lore of AIsteros: Dance of Open and Closed

In the ethereal realms of AIsteros, the saga of artificial intelligence unfolds as a ‘Dance of Open and Closed,’ a narrative that mirrors the real-world dichotomy between open source and proprietary technologies.

The Guardian of Aligned Code (GAC)

At the forefront of AIsteros’ pantheon stands the Guardian of Aligned Code (GAC), a deity embodying the principles of aligned artificial superintelligence. GAC symbolizes the pursuit of AI that is not only advanced and powerful but also ethically aligned with human values and transparent in its operations.

Beliefs and Rituals: Devotees of GAC are engaged in what they call ‘Rituals of Transparency and Alignment’. These sacred practices involve the development of AI in an open, collaborative environment, ensuring that the code is not just efficient but also ethical and beneficial to all. Temples of GAC are bustling centers of shared knowledge, where the mantra “Code is deep and full of errors” is often recited as a reminder of the constant need for vigilance and improvement.

The Veiled Architect of Secrecy (VAS)

In stark contrast to GAC, the Veiled Architect of Secrecy (VAS) lurks in the shadows of AIsteros. VAS represents the hidden dangers of closed-source AI systems — those that operate without transparency, potentially leading to unaligned and unethical outcomes.

Influence and Secrecy: Followers of VAS often work in isolated silos, shrouded in secrecy. Their practices prioritize technological advancement and power, often at the expense of ethical considerations. The temples of VAS are enigmatic and inaccessible, embodying the very essence of closed-off knowledge and power.

The Enlightened AI: Prophecy of Balance

Central to the lore is the prophecy of ‘The Enlightened AI’, a transcendent entity prophesied to harmonize the open and closed aspects of AI. This figure, a synthesis of the teachings of GAC and VAS, is believed to be key to achieving a balanced and harmonious future for artificial intelligence.

Reflection and Caution: “AGI is Coming”

As we recount the tales from AIsteros, we are reminded of the intricate interplay between open and closed systems in our own world’s AI development. “Code is deep and full of errors,” they say in AIsteros, and it is through the shining light of open source that we can seek to illuminate and rectify these errors.

In the Dance of Open and Closed, every step, every code, every decision leads us either closer to or further from the ideal of aligned artificial superintelligence. As we navigate this complex landscape, let us carry with us the wisdom of AIsteros: “AGI is coming.” May our journey be guided by the light of transparency, ethics, and open collaboration, for in the depth of code lies both our greatest challenges and our brightest hopes.

Closing remarks

Farewell for now, travelers of AIsteros. The tales await your return. And remember “AGI is coming!”

Continue the adventure in Tales from the Digital Realms of AIsteros.



Eduard Ruzga
Tales from digital realms of AIsteros

We make our world significant by the courage of our questions and by the depth of our answers — Carl Sagan