Cryptoland Episode 6: Non-Fungible What Now?

Mavisha Ramachandran
Tales from Nimilandia
6 min readApr 7, 2023

Are you feeling lost in the world of cryptocurrency? Have you heard the term “”non-fungible token”” being thrown around but have no idea what it means? Don’tDon’t worry, because you’re not alone. Non-Fungible What Now? is here to help explain this hot new trend that has taken over the blockchain world. Whether you’re an investor or simply curious about digital assets, buckle up and prepare for a crash course on NFTs!

Introduction to Non-Fungible Tokens

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a new type of unique digital asset that cannot be interchanged. NFTs are stored on a blockchain, similar to cryptocurrency, and can represent anything from in-game items to artworks. Using NFTs allows for actual ownership of digital assets and can help combat issues like piracy.

What are NFTs?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are digital assets that are not interchangeable. Each NFT is unique and represents a specific item, such as a piece of digital art, a collectible, or a game item.

NFTs are stored on a blockchain, which is a distributed ledger that allows for secure, transparent, and tamper-proof transactions. Because NFTs are stored on the blockchain, they can be bought, sold, or traded like any other cryptocurrency.

There are a few different types of NFTs, but the most common are ERC-721 and ERC-1155. ERC-721 tokens are non-fungible, and each one is unique. ERC-1155 tokens are also non-fungible but can represent multiple items within a single token.

The benefits of NFTs include proven ownership, security, immutability, and liquid markets. The downsides of NFTs include the high costs of transaction fees and storage requirements.

How NFTs Are Used In The Real World

NFTs are being used in several different ways in the real world. For example, they are used to create unique digital artworks and represent ownership of physical assets such as real estate and vehicles.

Some businesses are using NFTs to reward customers or employees for their loyalty. For example, a company might issue an NFT to a customer who has spent a certain amount of money with them or to an employee who has gone above and beyond their duties.

Other companies are using NFTs as a way to raise funds. For example, an organization might sell an NFT that can be used to unlock special features on its website or app. The proceeds from the sale of the NFT would then be used to finance the development of the website or app.

And finally, some people are using NFTs to show off their wealth or status. For example, someone might buy an expensive piece of digital art stored on an NFT and display it prominently on their social media account.

Pros and Cons of Using NFTs

NFTs have been gaining popularity as a way to store digital assets. But what are they exactly? And what are the pros and cons of using them?

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are digital assets stored on a blockchain. They can represent anything from digital art to game items to real estate. And because they’re stored on a blockchain, they’re very secure.

The main advantage of using NFTs is that they’re very secure. Because they’re stored on a blockchain, they can be counterfeited or stolen. And because each NFT is unique, you can be sure that you own the original version of whatever it is you’re you’re buying.

Another advantage of NFTs is that they’re easy to trade. You can easily find someone who wants to buy or sell an NFT, and because they’re stored on a blockchain, the transaction is very secure.

The main disadvantage of NFTs is that they can be expensive. Because each is unique, they can fetch a high price on the open market. And because they’re stored on a blockchain, there’s also a small transaction fee associated with buying and selling them.

Examples of Famous NFTs

NFTs have been making headlines as the new hot item in the digital world. But what are they exactly?

In short, NFTs are digital assets that are unique and not interchangeable. Unlike fiat currency or other cryptocurrencies, NFTs cannot be duplicated or interchanged.

This also means they can represent anything unique, from digital art to in-game items and even real-world assets like property or tickets.

Beeple sold this NFT for $69M

Some of the most famous NFTs include:

-CryptoKitties: One of the earliest and most famous examples of an NFT is CryptoKitties. These digital cats can be bought, sold, or traded like traditional collectibles. Each kitty is unique and has its own characteristics, meaning they can’t be duplicated or interchanged.

-NBA Top Shot: NBA Top Shot is a platform that allows users to buy, sell, or trade official NBA highlights as an NFT. These highlights come in video clips called “”moments,”” which can be purchased, sold, or traded like any other asset on the platform.

-Beeple’sBeeple’s every day: The Artwork of Beeple: Beeple is a digital artist who creates what he calls “”every day”” — a new piece of art created every day for

What Are The Benefits of Investing In NFTs?

When it comes to digital assets, you can make a few different types of investments. You’veYou’ve got your standard options like stocks, bonds, and cryptocurrency. But then there are also newer, more unique asset classes like non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

So, what exactly is an NFT? And what are the benefits of investing in them?

An NFT is a digital asset that is stored on a blockchain and is unique (or “”non-fungible””). This means that each NFT can be distinguished from every other NFT — even if they’re the same type. For example, two Cryptokitties might look identical, but each one has a unique underlying code that makes it completely unique.

This uniqueness is what makes NFTs so unique (and valuable). Because each NFT is one-of-a-kind, it can be used to represent anything from digital art and collectibles to in-game items and even real-world assets like property or land.

Investing in NFTs offers many potential benefits. First and foremost, they provide investors with exposure to a new and growing asset class. The market for NFTs is still in its early stages, but it’s already shown tremendous growth potential. In just the last year alone, the total value of all NFTs traded has exploded from around $250 million to $1.89B as of February 2023.


Non-fungible tokens are an exciting new technology that is transforming how digital items like artwork and collectibles can be bought, sold, and traded. The opportunities for creating unique digital experiences with these tokens are only beginning to be explored, but the potential implications could revolutionize the online world as we know it. NFTs have proved to be a fascinating innovation in blockchain technology, and their popularity looks set to continue growing until they become commonplace. I believe this will change the landscape for the creative sphere as it provides an atmosphere to create content that is credible and authentic.



Mavisha Ramachandran
Tales from Nimilandia

Srilankan by Birth, American by lifestyle, Global Citizen. Family and friends being my foothold. I am a technologist with a passion for process improvement.