Rapid Designing in Product Experimentation

Amanda Kandambi
Tales from Nimilandia
2 min readNov 18, 2022

When a product idea comes off, the product's success lies in experimenting with the correct audience at the appropriate time. Product Design and Development take considerable time, a lot of resource energy, and support. As product designers at the early stage of product experiments, we can contribute to checking the success of the product with rapid designing.

Rapid Prototyping

Product Design, User Experience Design, and User Interface Design are processes we can incorporate into rapid designing. Working in the Tech industry and a Tech Organization, here are the steps that have been efficient to follow in Rapid Designing.

1. The Product Idea

Any design starts with a product idea, and the very first step is to mold the product idea into requirements and user stories so that, as designers, we know what we are creating and what the outcome will be. The easiest way to map out the design is the documentation. It doesn’t have to be complicated full-length documentation. It would be enough with the details of what the product is, what the requirements are, user stories, and Q&A. The next step would be better to plan out the timeline of the outcome of mapped conditions.

2. Defining the User Experience

As we move on to user experience designing, there are many practices out there, but in rapid designing, with limited time, we can only choose a few practices that may help cater to users' requirements.

One of the few practices we can try out is creating user personas. This will help us, designers, to understand what are the actual needs and expectations of the users. We can also try creating user flows that give a clear idea about the features included and the user’s path through the product.

3. The User Interface

Once we are very clear with user experience and flow, we can move to the user interface design of the product.

We can start with paper prototypes and start designing high-fidelity user interfaces through rapid designing. In high-fidelity designs, we should always incorporate subject-relevant design themes and aesthetics.

4. Rapid Designing

Once we are good to showcase our designs, we can test the product design with its potential users to see how successful it is and receive feedback to keep improving. At any time, early criticism would help improve the product more to stand out in the product market competition.

Let’s experiment with product ideas with no fear of failing!

