Introducing Roundhere

Tales from Roundhere HQ
3 min readApr 10, 2015


Building a sixth sense to interact with the world around you.

Last year we launched our first app called mbrace with the belief that technology should enhance the real world, not replace it.

mbrace is all about connecting two individual people with similar interests. Now with Roundhere, we take our goal to the next level and enter the exciting world of location-based interaction. We place an even stronger focus on location-specific content, people around you and make it possible to interact around a specific location. Roundhere reflects our idea to bring meaning back to our digital interactions, truly bridging innovative social technology with the real world. It’s no longer just about being connected — as humans we want something that’s a little more human.

Despite being able to connect instantly with people almost anywhere in the world via social networks, the internet, and all sorts of other digital solutions, we feel that people still largely are disconnected from their immediate surroundings. Our own location and spots we come across in our daily routines have a massive impact on who we are, how we behave and how we communicate. We feel constantly drawn to like-minded people who we can relate to our endeavours. This creates numerous and constantly changing social hubs during our day, influencing us where we eat, where we work, where we head to calm down and ultimately how we feel. We naturally share a lot of similarities with people around us, even if we don’t know them personally.

“The digital world is being rebuilt around people.”

Yet, we also live in a social media saturated world consuming masses of content and information being posted by distant friends around the globe. But for us it’s not just about being connected, but more to feel integrated in our local community. This community is built of fascinating ephemeral and ever-changing social gatherings that we participate in daily. They are situations we stumble into naturally and they are not only our close friends, relatives or colleagues. They’re just people the who happen to share our daily routines or interests at that specific moment in time, like the other guy also going for a walk in the park, the girl who is living next door but I rarely see, the other 50 people raving along at a party. While technology enables us to connect with everyone around the world, we sometimes are so busy looking at our phones that we miss the opportunities that happen around us in the very moment. Our goal is to use technology to bring this local experience back to you.

Roundhere is radically different than the social networks we know today, built not on distant friendships and general updates from around the globe, but instead on whatever happens and whoever is around you at a given moment.

We are beyond excited to see how you will use Roundhere to connect and engage with your people and situations around you!

The app is now available on iOS and Android.

Roundhere creates a unique way to communicate with people around you. The app bundles all nearby people and their posts into convenient “streams”. No matter if you are on campus, in town or at an event, you can join the location-based interactions and see who else is around with one click.

