Thursday Morning Wake Up Call

Margarette Marie Mayfair
Asylum Writers


I know you are tired, and again it’s a work day. Last night, after you ate me into the stratosphere, you fell asleep before I could get back from the bathroom. I’m so sorry my love.

The alarm will go off in an hour, but I’m snuggled to your back now, your balls cradled in the “v” of my legs. My tits are crushed against your back, and I’ve gently reached around your waist and found your sleeping cock. My pubic bone is stroking your balls as I run my thumb over the head of your cock.

Your breathing changes as he twitches, rising to fill my hand. You take a deep breath, still half asleep as your hand reaches back and grips my ass, pulling me closer to you. You turn on you back, pulling me on top of you, your hand finding my breast.

I kiss you, my tongue probing your mouth, my hand slowly stroking your cock fully awake.

Your arm locks around me, your hand in my hair wanting me to fuck your mouth.

My tongue goes deep into your mouth, then I begin sucking your tongue.

You take your own cock and stroke it as you push me down. You are stroking your cock hard next to my face, your hand full of my hair.

Then you push your wooden cock into my mouth, pushing my head down to take it in.

Your hips move as you fuck my mouth, your back arching as your hot cum shoots into my throat.

You pull me back up and kiss me tenderly, your fingers stroking my face. You lay my head on your shoulder and play with my nipple as I run my fingers over your abs.

We have a few more minutes before the day begins….

