A man walks into a poker game . . .

Sexy Hermit
Tales from The Singularity
4 min readJan 21, 2017


Bill knows risk.

Bill plays poker. In the aftermath of The Singularity you had two choices; dive into the machine or live on luck in the real world. Bill felt lucky. He always did and for reasons to be told soon enough.

His ride, a converted “nasty.” A drone spawned by The Singularity in its early days to give humanity the Big Ultimatum; live as a machine or die as a human. He rides it standing like a chariot with antigrav pods. A bridle and reins control its course and speed. “Trigger” was the name he gave it.

He sees a town up on the horizon. It’s a cool and clear night in the middle of nowhere Michigan. He approaches low and quiet.

The town looked like it needed some excitement but not the kind that gets him shot at. He is, after all, flying on the once upon a time enemy of man. He lands just outside of the city lights and dismounts his cyber steed. He drops his streamlined night vision goggles to his chest. He checks the plasma shotgun on his back. It’s charged and ready for anything. He tips his black bowler down to his brow and walks down the center of main street.

“Boon,” says the bullet ridden and charred border sign. “Home of the 2027 Class D Highschool drone ball champions, Go Vikings!”

Not much to see. A few houses barely standing. A post office, store, and bar all combined in a single…

