Mother Ayahuasca Showed Me How To Use Divine Source to Heal Trauma

And I’m going to show you

Helena Anne
5 min readNov 4, 2022


Night 2 of my Epic Ayahuasca Weekend

I was happy and relaxed going into this evening’s final ceremony, which is a miracle considering the intensely dark experience of the previous night.

But the first night’s other-worldly visitors had promised me this night would be much easier. I would be given revelations and the next step on the path. I trusted them.

This time, I only had one small cup of the medicine which was about a quarter of what I had the first night. I was pretty sure I’d had too much the previous evening and wanted it a bit easier. I was a bit tired as well which I’ve learned can be a good thing when you are journeying as you have less resistance. I could always get more if I needed it.

With the lower dose, it took about 45 mins to start feeling the effects. I wasn’t sure I was even going to go into the consciousness-expanding space, but eventually I did.



Helena Anne
Tales From The Trip

Lover of Dogs and Yoga. Eternally searching for ways to expand my consciousness.