3D Printed Wind turbine generating electricity in Antarctica

At Fracktal we always strive to empower creation in every form possible.

Rohit Asil
Fracktal stories
3 min readMar 15, 2018


Keeping that mission at heart, Vijay Raghav Varada, Founder of Fracktal Works a 3D Printing company built out of Manipal Institute of Technology, India that built remarkable 3D Printers and 3D Printing solutions has attempted a unique feat during his recent Antarctica expedition.

Vijay has been selected to join the International Antarctic Expedition (IAE), ClimateForce: Antarctica (CFA), that equips leaders with resources and actionable solutions to become a part of a global force of change.

Vijay hence has successfully tested a fully 3d printed wind turbine in the winds of antarctica at Portal Point (64°30′S 61°46′W)

He along with his team at Fracktal have developed an open source 3D Printable Wind Turbine and which was to be tested in Antarctica. This attempt would prove the case for the efficiency and ruggedness of the 3D printed turbines following which the design files will be released for free so that anyone with access to a 3D printer can recreate it for their use. The intention of this is to get more people engaged in renewable energy and implement it in their homes and communities. This also feeds into larger goals of Fracktal Works’ to lower the cost of indigenous wind turbine manufacturing using 3D printing.

90% by volume of the turbine is 3D printed.

The turbine is based on the original design from Lenz2 helical turbine from databestje modified to fit a high efficiency axial flux generator where all parts except the copper, magnets and shaft are 3D printed.

An American, a Frenchman, a Brazilian and Chinese set up the turbine, becoming a symbol of how we need international collaboration to work towards a bright and sustainable future.

Fracktal works is committed to reimagining the world with 3D printing and will be researching further on applications of 3D printing to lower the cost of wind turbine manufacturing and improve its access. Fracktal works has been helping companies improve efficiency of manufacturing and supply chain with 3D printing and will continue to explore avenues in various industries in which 3D printing can directly or indirectly cut carbon emissions and add to efficiency.

The company is looking forward to their next Carbon killing mission side gig — taking their HQ completely off grid using 3D Printing and renewable energy.

What is ClimateForce: Antarctica 2018?

26 years ago, the ocean explorer Jacques Cousteau gave Robert Swan a 50-year mission to save Antarctica from the realities of climate change. Jacques urged Robert to engage young people and promote the use of renewable energy. Since, Robert founded the ClimateForce Foundation and dedicated his life to the preservation of Antarctica through the promotion of sustainability practices. In November 2017, Robert Swan will make one last expedition to the South Pole with his son Barney, on a mission known as the South Pole Energy Challenge (SPEC). This father and son team will ski on a 600-mile journey surviving solely on renewable energy, a first in polar-exploration. Using this expedition as a platform for engagement, they hope to challenge and inspire people to make measurable changes to how they use energy in their businesses, communities, and lifestyles. One month after their return, in February 2018, 2014 will join forces with The Explorer’s Passage, a pioneer in adventure travel on this historic expedition to Antarctica. Aligning our vision and passions, the mission is to use adventure as a vehicle to preserve the history of our planet.

The components were built on Julia Series of 3D Printers manufactured by Fracktal Works and commissioned by Fractory.in

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