A heartbreak that changed everything

“Wherever there is darkness, there is also room for light.” — Me

Victor Falquer
Tales of Absurdia
4 min readSep 12, 2017


If you read any of my other stories, you are probably wondering: “who is this strange person who keeps telling stories about this crazy universe? What keeps him chasing strange tales? Why can’t he just sit on a resort at Samora and stay there for the rest of his life” or “Why does he keep wasting his time telling stories that no one else wants to read”.

I figured it was time to talk a little bit about how I got back on track. I eventually found myself again, and maybe I can help those who are still in need. So, consider this my own short of Absurdia. A small hint: healing is probably not going to happen by acting like commander Peep Harrington (that buffon of a man).

I believe that there are some points in life when things change abruptly, usually by two different types of happenings.

The first one is probably led by watching that sad mosquito that keeps flying towards your computer screen, trying to find a way out of the room. Somehow that silly bug leads you into changing dramatically overnight. After that, the road you travel is much different.

The second path, definitely not my favorite one, happens when you are forced to change, despite your wishes for things to remain the way they are. You can keep trying to swim against the current, but it does not matter: there is no going back. And accepting this is one of the hardest challenges in life.

My case was sadly the second one. I thought that I finally had everything that I ever wanted in my life. A little less than six months surely is a short amount of time, but it meant the world to me while it lasted.

The end of my relationship was so unpredictable that my heart was severely broken, and there were no answers that could possibly help me picking up the tiny little pieces that remained.

I felt terrible for months. I cried on my friends’ shoulders, I read many Medium posts about relationships, and I even binge-watched many series episodes in search for healing. I started to pile myself up with work to keep it out of my mind, but it was never enough. That feeling of being broken inside was still there. The hollow, the pain and the will to lay down on the floor were my companions during that time.

It seemed like nothing would ever really fix me, nor bring me back to my old happy self that existed before the relationship. Trying to get back to who I used to be only hurt me even more. Also, traveling to Eldnaria for eternal bliss was not an option yet, unfortunately.

That was when I snapped the second time. This one was the first kind. Yes, after everything, a small bug made me realize it. I felt like had to see the world by myself, so I could mend my heart back again. I had to find that one thing that did not depend on others to make me happy. I decided that this time my heart would be unbreakable and free from all the walls that I lifted before.

The Universe helps you when you find your path again, even if it is a new one. During one of my short trips to a small island in Brazil, I stumbled upon the path of a strange woman (probably a myf in disguise) who called herself Quinn. We talked a lot, and between one caipirinha and another she decided to tell me about the mysteries of Fracture-travelling, and then revealed that I actually had myf blood.

It’s been a while since I started to jump from world to world, learning about new cultures, ways and, most importantly, stories. Since you are still stuck in this lousy place we call Earth, I have decided to share my tales with my fellow earthlings pals.

Maybe I just want to make your day a little lighter, or perhaps I am just trying to warn this planet about the very unlikely gork invasion before it actually happens.

Whichever the case may be, I hope that you enjoy them, and I apologize for my English mistakes in this story and the other ones. My main language was never English, it has been a very long time since I’ve been on Earth and my half-myf translating powers are not strong enough to guarantee a perfect grammar. If you notice any mistakes or have any questions, please feel free to let me know.

I was in a very dark place for a while, so this is also a message for all of those who are feeling like they’re in hell right now: do not give up hope. Seriously. Find that one thing that makes you shine independently of others, make it your hobby or job, and screw everyone who tries to make you feel small inside.



Victor Falquer
Tales of Absurdia

Writer, economist, data scientist wannabe and then some