The Eldnari Council

“We are certainly going to provide world peace, right after praying” — The eldnari Sacred Council

Victor Falquer
Tales of Absurdia
2 min readJul 31, 2017


Imagine being an eternal creature, living in eternal peace and divine bliss. This is the very description of the eldnari, the beings that inhabited Eldnaria.

Their amount of great wisdom and calm compensated for their lack of creativity towards names, especially with normal objects. Their bodies were thin, almost frail, and very tall. Their skins were gray, and upon an unnecessarily long neck, was an oval head. They had a pair of large blue eyes and a perpetual “I am feeling good” smile without lips, plus a soft nose and no apparent ears.

Shortly (a few years) after the conquest of Sakbana by the gorks, the Eldnari decided to call their sacred council in order to set a plan to prevent such a destructive nation to conquer more Fractures.

The only issue with the eldnari trying to coordinate such peace, was that they used to take their own time, instead of others’, and that could be critical since they were immortal.

The sacred council was composed by the six most powerful eldnari, whose names are either too hard to write or not that important. They met on the Cave of Rites, an opening inside the walls of the Great Hill.

The chamber was ten meters tall and the wind was always soft and gentle. A waterfall and the noise of the sacred Eld river were the only things that could be heard. It was always sun in Eldnaria, and it shone through the colorful mosaics built long ago by the few existing eldnari builders.

Eldnaria was one of the tallest Fractures, and stood very close to the ancient and forbidden Palace of the Gods. It was meant as a last defense: the beautiful landscapes and blissful feeling was so overwhelming that even gorks would stop attacking once they stepped there. In fact, there were peregrins from many Fractures taking a break from their normal lives in Eldnaria, searching for inner peace (including a few stray gorks).

“We must do something towards world peace… “ the youngest eldnari spoke. “All those meaningless wars might get to our beloved home if we do not”

“Yes, we do must help them.” the eldest said “But first, we must pray so that the great God will enlighten us.”

They all agreed that praying before making decisions was very important, and started to chant slowly. Their beautiful voices echoed in the cave, transmitting their cries for help everywhere in the world, hoping that the great god would hear their plea.

No member of the Council was ever seen after that, as the cave became off-limits for visits. It is said that if you put your ears close to one of the Hill’s walls, you can still hear their beautiful songs.

As a side note, Hoppy Windy revealed that one of her greatest hits was inspired by the chanting on one of her trips to Eldnaria. Unfortunately, she did not disclose which one.



Victor Falquer
Tales of Absurdia

Writer, economist, data scientist wannabe and then some