The land of conquerors

A look into the beast’s den

Victor Falquer
Tales of Absurdia
3 min readFeb 5, 2018


Once again I’m sorry for taking so long to publish more of my writings about Absurdia. I have good reasons, though.

I had paperwork to do during the trials involving the truth about the Fall of Aleria, so I would not miss my case.

Newsflash: I lost the case, and the tales of the Fall must not be mentioned by me for at least a few years, or there will be bad consequences.

Being in Gorkia was a very strange, but enlightening, experience. Now I completely understand why gorks act the way they do. It’s in their nature.

Their houses are built into chaotic round shapes, using every kind of material, but mostly iron and copper. You can see the clean and colorful laundry moving with the wind over the balconies and even some vases from Chewo on the windows.

Strange glowing trees decorate the intricate and over complicated streets system, and their subway is always crowded (I mean, always). Restaurants, bars and ice cream shops are also a thing here, with their neon lights asking you to taste their food.

The sky is crowded with the many ships that come and go, stationing at one of their ports, bringing money and crazy stuff from Fractures that are so far away that even their names are hard to pronounce.

One would think that the warrior race from Absurdia would have a different life. I guess that living so close to the Goblins, creatures that can make good profit out of the strangest situations, means that investments are never a complete failure.

What I didn’t find odd about Gorkia: there are no libraries. In fact, they hate books. Luckly I had a Union Law Book with me and a good lawyer for the trial (I know you tried your best, it’s ok). They also don’t like myfs at all, and treat humans and other races with zero respect. Gorks are trained since their childhood to believe that everyone was created to serve them.

Criminality rates are also up the hills lately, or so I’ve been told. There are no official speeches about this, but perhaps the lack of appearances from King Eswan X in the last two years are perceived to be connected.

Personally, I’m very glad that this experience is finally coming to an end. If you are willing to visit Gorkia, please join a tour from one of the traveling agencies (there are many of them there on Earth, you just have to find the right one). Coming alone is very dangerous and complicated. Their culture is not friendly at all to outsiders.

If you want my honest opinion, just go to Samora, it is a much better place to spend your next vacation. Getting a piña colada there compensates more than a dull ice cream in Gorkia.

Tales of Absurdia are mostly short stories about our crazy universe. If you like this one, check out the first tale here. You can pretend that they’re fictional, but they are as real as your reality. Also, I’m sorry for any grammar mistakes, feel free to let me know about them or to criticize my stories on the comments section.



Victor Falquer
Tales of Absurdia

Writer, economist, data scientist wannabe and then some