The Misperceived Quitting | Tales of an Excessive Spender

Sherwette Mansour
Tales of an Excessive Spender
2 min readMar 22, 2019

Have you ever seen someone move from one thing to another, only to judge him on the perceived reality of him as a quitter?

You wouldn’t consider understanding the process, on which he has grown to understand what he no longer wants.

Let me break it simply and since I am on a plane…

Have you ever been on a plane where you started a movie you didn’t fancy but continued watching it anyway because you have already started?

Or did you consider just pressing exit and starting a new one?

But what happens if you don’t like that second movie? I mean the time on the air is limited, you might as well finish this one, because maybe, maybe you wouldn’t also like the third one. Maybe there wouldn’t be enough time to finish the third one, even if it was so much better.

Did that ever happen to you when you went to the movies? Actually, for this one, you are paying some bucks, so it’s not just time you have invested. Would you just take off? Take off and leave to watch another movie? Or maybe do something else? But then again, there aren’t any guarantees the new movie would be any good.

Well, you see, on the first scenario, on the plane, you are killing time — time, that you could have used to sleep, read a book, watch another movie or socialize with whoever is sitting next to you.

Going to the movies on the other hand in the second scenario is an investment of both you time and your money. The time you spent watching the movie could have been used to do endless of things. The money could have been used to do something else.

And here comes the question, what would you do? Is it because you have spent some time and some money on an endeavor that you didn’t like, you have to continue watching it till the end? Or if you decided to take off, move on and try another movie or go for a walk, then is it considered quitting?

You thought you would like it, but you didn’t. Would you hold on just for the sake of it?

I don’t know about you, but I usually take off. I kept on changing movies until I found one that I like.

I move. I move because accepting what is okay, is. saying no to what could be better. But then again, it comes with a risk that it could be worse.

I wonder what behavior bias that could be. I haven’t done the reading yet.



Sherwette Mansour
Tales of an Excessive Spender

Management consultant. Abstract artist. Interested in psychology and consumer behavior… Food, travel, photography, water sports... Spontaneous otherwise.