Brain Plasticity: A Neurological Warning

And the danger of mailboxes

John Levin
Tales of Improbable Magic
Aug 21, 2023


Photo by Joel Moysuh on Unsplash

One time I decided to train my brain for success! But I gave up just after an hour. The mailman came by and left me a bill from the US Government for $100,000,000! I asked my congressman what was going on?!

“We’re sorry, John, but getting your brain to toe the line looks like it’s going to cost that much. Have you considered becoming a nun instead?”

“What does being a nun have to do with it? And besides, I’m not even a woman!”

“We asked the Pope, and he said he’d make an exception for you.”

“But why?”

“Just to get you off the streets.”


© “John” Lesly Levin 2023



John Levin
Tales of Improbable Magic

Scientist. Writer. Meditator. Blue Tantrika. Mystical Rabbi. Climate & Human Rights Activist. I’m a man of few words, except when I open my mouth.