The Reactionary Republican Party Is on Its Way out

The cultish brainwash is wearing off

John Levin
Tales of Improbable Magic
5 min readJan 29, 2022


Washington Crossing the Delaware, by Emanuel Leutze, 1851, Public Domain, colors a bit spiced by the Author

I know things seem pretty dire now (to a lot of people.) We’ve witnessed a violent assault on our democracy, fueled by a lunatic megalomaniac who, according to one of his three wives, kept a collection of Hitler’s speeches, My New Order, by his bed. We’ve seen one of the two major political parties lose its collective mind, becoming part of the Baby Fuhrer’s junior Nazi cult, invested in denying reality, as he himself has commanded.

I needn’t mention (but I guess I will) that the Republican faithful minions, arguably brainwashed, then proceeded to brand the voters of the United States, ourselves, as Enemy #1, suspecting correctly that we just don’t exactly like them anymore.

Republican politicians, if we can even subject that reviled word — politician — to an ignominy even it will reject, have as you know, kowtowed to a twice impeached, supremely stupid moron who, on several occasions, I believe, ordered a fast food spread to be served at the White House to college football players, who were probably too embarrassed to eat it.

OK, before I go on to other things, I’d be remiss without mentioning the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have actually DIED because they tribally trusted Trump’s anti-mask anti-vaccine inject bleach and shine-a-light up-your-ass certified goof-wah insanity over COVID.

People who are violent and also insane, like Adolf Hitler, can be funny because who could possibly believe such drivel? until they obtain power and hypnotize a large part of whatever country is unfortunate enough to host them into doing their bidding.

Human psychology is not always a pretty sight. You can ask Stanley Milgram about how little it takes for otherwise normal people to administer what appear to be fatal electrical shocks to people they had never met, just because an “authority figure” told them to.

Or ask all the dead people at Jonestown what they really got out of their cult leader, after all? I know I’m making a leap here, but all the Trumpites actually believe that the Baby Orange Man cares about them!

Basking in the warm glow of Trump’s promise to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue with them, the insurrectionist mob did so … while Trump went back to the White House to watch it all on TV.

How can we recover from such a cavalcade of madness?

Perhaps — just perhaps — as we slowly climb out of the COVID pandemic and watch the public hearings of the January 6th Committee, and as we see all the participants in an attempt to overthrow the government finally testify or take the 5th, perhaps the Trumpy brainwash will give up the ghost at last.

Perhaps, as women across America are outraged by six sanctimonious partisans attempting to impose extremist religious law on all of us, our own outrage will grow mightily, too.

Perhaps, as a Black Woman joins the Supreme Court to look Clarence Thomas and the infamous Justice Teenage Rapist himself in the eye, our own resolve to return to decency will take a seat, too.

And maybe, just maybe, the prognosticators of doom (or of glee) may turn out to be wrong, and this leftover minority of cultists will not take over Congress in November, despite our fears and their fantasies.

They’re a rump party disliked by so many now, even in red states normally conservative. (A rump party is an entity that still has the name of the original party, but has broken away and now only has a minority of its original support.)

How many will actually vote for permanent warfare with 70% of the country, and probably 50% of the citizens of their own states, whether it’s Texas or Georgia or Iowa or…

Well, maybe not Florida. But, who knows? Val Demings may pull it off, after all.

All of these Trump-washed people are attempting to live in an America of their fantasies, which doesn’t exist anymore, and, actually, never existed in the first place. Their own kids don’t believe in it. They could care less about attempts to make them stupid by banning discussion of the ongoing racism in America. Cellphone and police bodycam videos have laid the truth bare. Too many times.

And the Rumpy Republicans can’t depend on the evangelicals to pull them through anymore, either. We all know it: Kids today get to be 18 or 21, and they’re just leaving these fundamentalist churches. They want to be part of science and rationality and the 21st century with everybody else. “Spiritual” is the fastest growing religious affiliation in America. Fundamentalism is not. (Sorry, Amy Coney Barrett, we’re just not going to be handmaids with you. And your coming sanctimonious ruling on abortion will help assure it.)

You can’t succeed with gerrymandering, removing drop-off boxes and closing polling sites, and even making it illegal to give a guy or a woman a drink of water while they stand in line … for long, maybe not even this November.

America is moving on. We have new ideas, new challenges — a lot of them! All the old, I mean, OLD!, divisions from the 20th century, really, just don’t even make sense to anyone who’s 20 or 30 now. We have to address the climate, the absurd wealth gap that’s developed since Reagan, the cost of education and healthcare. We have to begin again to address racial and sexual discrimination. And we have to get to a point where the people who live in the rest of the Americas and the Caribbean are not our enemies. That horse has left the barn, creepos.

So, let’s see what happens in November. And help it on its way. I really don’t believe that Reactionary Rump Reptiles really have the support they’re hoping we believe that they have. Even in Texas.

But they might have it in Florida. I hope Val Demings proves me wrong.


I also write other stuff. You can see a lot of it at -

And newer things scattered here and there, too.
Thx for reading! And remember to vote this November!
That’s what they’re scared of: Your vote.



John Levin
Tales of Improbable Magic

Scientist. Writer. Meditator. Blue Tantrika. Mystical Rabbi. Climate & Human Rights Activist. I’m a man of few words, except when I open my mouth.