New LLM by Mistral AI

A Quiet Revolution? Mistral AI Releases Sensational New AI Model

GPT-4’s “secret weapon” is available as open source

Tristan Wolff
Tales Of Tomorrow
Published in
4 min readDec 10, 2023


Image by the author & Midjourney

At the same time that Google announced their new “Gemini” model with great fanfare, including a press tour and a spectacular (but possibly not entirely honest) demo video, a quiet revolution may have begun.

No, we’re not talking about Gemini (which isn’t even fully available yet and where some details about the model’s capabilities remain unclear to say the least.

Instead, we will look at the startup Mistral AI, that posted a download link to their latest language model on X.

Just the link.

No comment.

Casually dropping the world’s first open source language model based on the same architecture the OpenAI flagship GPT-4 runs on.

MistralAI’s Download

