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Rosalys Bryan
Tales of Two
Published in
4 min readDec 7, 2015


Ever since watching Cast Away (WILSONNNNN) I have always wondered what it would be like to be washed up onto a deserted island, preferably somewhere that looks a lot like paradise. Well throw a few bars and restaurants into the mix with a bundle of backpackers and you will have found yourself on Ilha Grande.

Three hours bus journey from Paraty, and a very wobbly boat ride, we found ourselves once again arriving at our destination soggy and surrounded by the clouds of doom, but as ever trying to keep spirits high. After stuffing our faces at a kebab restaurant (keeping it classy) we headed to bed as the word on the street was that it was going to be sunny the next day. I can’t lie about the situation, I know we are very lucky to be traveling and not stuck at home in the cold wintery months, but by this point I was almost at breaking point without any sun around, so much so that Chris banned me from saying the phrase “oh man, imagine this place if it was sunny” with a face like a slapped ass. Whether it was the impeccable rendition of ‘Mr Sun’ that I sang or all of my complaining that bored the clouds away, to our luck and complete and utter joy, the next day we had sun!!


Up at 8am we quickly hopped onto some paddle boards where we could finally get a clear view of the island, and what a view it was. Tucked up into the jungle you can see little colourful homes and hostels and a small row of restaurants sprinkled along the beach front. I spent more time just sat on my board watching the world go by as I couldn’t quite believe my eyes. For a place where every traveller passing through Brazil goes, they have done a bloody good job at not over crowding the island with tourist shops and bars. So much so that on Friday and Saturday night everything closes by midnight. Apparently Sunday party night is where it’s at!

The rest of the day we spent flying around the island on a speed boat which took us to tucked away beaches and blue lagoon pools where snorkeling was a dream come true.

Two of the most glamorous babes sat behind me… they definitely put my unpainted toe nails to shame

Chris squealed with excitement before grabbing the go-pro and diving beneath me. Ducking my head underwater to check there wasn't a Mr Shark lurking around (because I am irrational like that) I saw quite possibly the most peaceful and beautiful animal I have ever seen- a sea turtle swimming so gracefully beneath us. In all the excitement I ended up swallowing an entire gallon of sea water, totally worth it, and clearly i am going to be so good at scuba diving when we learn in Bali…

Hey dudeeeeeee

One giant sea turtle and an extremely burnt bottom later we were back on land enjoying a BBQ on the beach with two lovely french girls we met during the day. Very happy indeed.

With the weather predicted to take a turn for the worst we decided to get up early again and hike to a beach on the other side of the island. We spent so much time at the start of our trip surrounded by tropical jungle, it felt great to be back. I felt relaxed and comfortable compared to the streets of Sao Paulo which we were exploring a week or so before.

Crossing through various beaches the weather brightened up and once again we had the gift of sunshine for the day.

With every beach we passed the sand became white and softer, so much so on the final beach the sand squeaked when you walked on it.

Excuse the sausage toes

Two days of sun and sand i feel like my battery has been recharged, a bit of luck as the next stop is RIO!!

