Harry Potter and the Cursed Child — Review

Boy with Silver Wings
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2 min readAug 2, 2016
Me and my Kindle

I did try hard to avoid the hype, told me not to go there again…
But one day was all it took.

Almost 9 years from the release of the LAST Harry Potter book another Harry Potter book has surfaced. While the original Harry Potter series deals with the growth of Harry from adolescent to adulthood, this book is more about the legacy of Harry Potter than the story itself. Years have passed from the original, Harry and Hermione now hold the greatest positions in the Magical World. Harry and Ginny have three children (featured at the end of Deathly Hallows) and they are really really bad at naming children. (Seriously! All they can think of are names of dead people) Harry’s son Albus and Draco’s Son Malfoy leads the story in this tale of daddy issues and time travel.

Jack Thorne and John Tiffany(who co-wrote the script) have brought some level of wit to the otherwise dry plot line. The script seems to indicate that J.K Rowling read all the reviews of her books on blogs and Youtube, because even when it means to go out of the story she seems to try hard to fix the so called ‘wrongs’ of Harry Potter. Here’s a few I noticed:

  • Cedric was killed as spare and no one batted an eyelid.
  • Sorting Hat is just a awful way to sort students into teams.
  • The words were all short ones.
  • Portraits have thousands of years of experience and they just sit there unused.
  • Hermione Granger once owned a time turned that she used only to do her homework in time.

JK goes on to fix all these and more in her script.
Did I mention that already? It’s only a SCRIPT It’s always a script. No More. No Less.

Dealing with many stories and plots at a time even crossing the time barrier reminding of the Back to the Future Trilogy or Flashpoint Paradox multiple times, the book is far from perfect. But it’s been a good day, a day well spent. This may not be the same magical land of Hogwarts, but it gives some consolation to see Harry Potter, Ron and Hermione fight their demons one more time.

But seriously, let it go JK

