Save Bing Spotlight Images- Batch File

Boy with Silver Wings
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2 min readApr 23, 2016

Admit it! Bing has some very beautiful pictures for your lock screen.

Sample Image

But unfortunately for you and me, they don’t seem very enthusiastic on sharing them. Seriously, why couldn’t we right click and select ‘Save’!!

But they have to save the image somewhere. So here is where they do it.


Take Run (Win+R) and type in the above location in.


This would take us to the app data folder where some files exist. (Hey! where are the images?)

screen full of files

I was just getting to that.

Copy your files to any destination of your computer. Now rename the files to include extension .jpg. (All of them?! You ask?) Don't worry! There is a shortcut to do that.

Open a command prompt window in the folder you have copied your files to.

This can be done by Shift+Right Click > Open Command Prompt Window here or File>Open Command Prompt

Type in the following command to the cmd window.

rename *.* *.jpg

This renames all files in the folder to have an extension of .jpg.. (Please choose a new folder so that none of your other files are damaged. )

That's it! This may have images that just icons or ads from Microsoft, but it will include your beloved picture too. (In mobile and desktop formats, just in case)

Case 2:

In case you hate these steps and wish to do it in one go.

@echo off
robocopy %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.Windows.ContentDeliveryManager_cw5n1h2txyewy\LocalState\Assets E:/new /min:50000
rename E:\new\*.* *.jpg

I'm saving the images to my E: drive.


to be exact.

You can change that occurrence to the folder you want to copy and rename files. This also simplifies the process by only copying files with a minimum size. We have to delete lesser files in this process.

Case 3:

You want all the files you missed in the process.

Luckily for you, a redditor Fuzsion has posted them online. Here


