Youtube Screenshot

Boy with Silver Wings
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Published in
2 min readDec 11, 2016

So how do normal users go upon taking a screenshot?

I wanted a screenshot from the newly released Sherlock trailer, but I couldn’t find it online. So I decided to take one. But how exactly would I do that? There is the pause bar, if I pause the video there is the pause sign.

How do I do that?

Option 1:

This is like the simplest ever on Windows Machines.

Just press Windows + PrtScrn at your fav part of the video and Tadaah! Screenshot is saved in Pictures folder.

Option 2:

This is in courtesy to the Super User forum.

(function(){var goaway=”.ytp-gradient-bottom,.ytp-chrome-top,.ytp-chrome-bottom{display:none;}”;if(“\v”==”v”){document.createStyleSheet().cssText=goaway}else{var tag=document.createElement(“style”);tag.type=”text/css”;document.getElementsByTagName(“head”)[0].appendChild(tag);tag[(typeof”string”)?”innerText”:”innerHTML”]=goaway}})();
  1. Select the above code fragment.
  2. Now drag the code to the bookmarks bar. (You can press Ctrl+Shift+B for showing it on Chrome)
  3. When pressing the same on a Youtube video it hides the extra stuff on the Youtube panel.

To turn things back to normal, just reload the page.

Here are original answer links.

Option 3:

If you just want a screenshot, any screenshot, there are third party websites that let you do the same.

Do know that they are just using Youtube Data API to get the screenshots You can do the same if you see the code here.

