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blind talk, talk friends, social audio, meeting new friends
Tin Can new open | connecting through audio conversation

We hope everyone has been excitedly holding on to their seats!✨

It’s Team Tin Can!

First of all, we would like to sincerely thank the Tin Can community who have been with us since the start of the official beta service in January 2020. Tin Can wanted to create a platform to connect the world through audio rather than photos and videos on traditional social media. We focused on attempting to connect the right people to each other through audio broadcasting. As time went on, however, we learned that the nature of our service should change, and that it should connect the right people through “conversation” rather than through broadcasting.

In response, Tin Can 2.0 changes the direction of our service to “Finding my people, my tribe through conversation.”

Tin Can is making the following changes to more effectively connect people through conversation:

  1. An Anonymous Space.

We are a platform that doesn’t judge superficially by appearance, age, or condition. We hope it will be a space where you can safely and freely express your thoughts, emotions, tastes, and meet like-minded people.

  • The profile picture will now be replaced with a random image assigned by the system.
  • The nickname is randomly assigned upon registration and can be changed for free once. If you want to change more than that, it will be provided as a Euro service.
  • By introducing a self-authentication system with your phone number, duplicate subscriptions are now restricted.
  • You can chat freely and anonymously in group chats and 1on1 chats.
  • You can send and receive direct messages only if you send a request and the other person accepts it.

2. Existing Lives will be renamed Group Talk.

Currently, the live system has not changed except for its name and users being anonymous, but it will be changed to allow group conversations rather than broadcasts in the future. If there are functions or features that you think are necessary when transitioning to Group Talk, please send it to support@socialradiocompany at any time.

3. DM (Direct Message) will now be DT (Direct Talk).

The functionality of DT has not yet been developed. However, it will be developed so that you can freely find a fellow Tin Caster that suits you on Tin Can, and if you want to get closer to this Tin Caster, you can request a DT. We hope that you can have more genuine conversations and get to know each other better through DT.

We believe that Tin Can’s anonymity is another way to protect your personal information online. There will certainly be cases where this anonymity is abused, and if found, we will immediately block it. Blocked users attempting to register with the same phone number will not be able to use Tin Can again. In addition, we will monitor 24 hours a day for safe community operation.

4. The newest feature 1on1 conversation is finally here!

We believe that people who are truly right for each other should be able to communicate well and grow close through shared tastes and experiences. We hope that you will also find this out through the new feature, “Conversation” in 1on1.

We want to solve the problems of emptiness, FOMO, and loneliness in the mobile era where showing-off, comparing, and evaluating others have dominated social media. We want to solve this by having people actually talk and relate to each other.

Rather than a relationship that starts from looking at profile pictures, we want relationships to form from shared tastes, thoughts, and values. We hope Tin Can can be a warmer space for you to escape to in our often cold world.

Please support our pivot for a better Tin Can.

Thank you always!


Team Tin Can

