How Lonely Are You?

For a hyper-connected society created by the development of mobile and social media technologies, today’s generation is becoming emotionally disconnected. This disconnection leads to loneliness, the 21st Century Loneliness. This loneliness is not the absence of people around, but the absence of emotionally connecting with other people. This may be due to current social media platforms that resulted in the feeling of emptiness due to over-stimulation and repetition, fear of missing out (FOMO), show-off culture, and comparison with others that could lead to low self-esteem.

To have a general idea as to where you are on a loneliness scale, Tin Can has made a Loneliness Scale Test based on the 3rd edition of the UCLA Loneliness Scale. This test is designed to measure one’s subjective feelings of loneliness and feelings of social isolation. Based on your answers, you will get either of the following 5 levels:

Level 1: Sunny Funny Creature ☀️

You remain calm, bright, and at peace, just like a fine summer’s day. You surround yourself with people who truly care about you, but also healthily comfortable with being by yourself. You know your limits and know how to balance your alone time and social time.

Take this opportunity to further express yourself and share your stories; spreading your warm light on Tin Can.

Level 2: Sunny with a touch of Puff 🌤

You are a ball of sunshine with a little puff of cloud. You might feel a little lonely sometimes like no one understands you, but can easily “shoo!” the thought away! You might want to understand yourself better and meet new like-minded friends to surround yourself with.

Take this opportunity to further express yourself and share your stories on Tin Can.

Level 3: Hiding Sunny Creature 🌥

You might find yourself as a sunny social who feels a heavy cloud whenever you’re alone. It’s alright because this state is what drives you to meet new people, and meeting new people gives you the opportunity to find like-minded friends.

Take this opportunity to make new friends who understand, accept, and cheer you on.

Make real conversations about how you feel on a Tin Can.

Level 4 : Cloud Protected 🛡

You might feel like you are becoming distant from everyone else, so you put your armor on and overthink if you have said or shared too much. You tend to be a little more critical of yourself, but that is alright, that is what makes you start your journey towards self-awareness. Take this opportunity to talk to people who won’t judge you before knowing your story.

If you don’t have someone you’re comfortable sharing that inner turbulence with, try finding them on Tin Can.

Level 5: Cloud Wizard ⚡️

You want people to KNOW you, but you are afraid of driving them away. You are very self-aware and dwelling too much on that awareness might have contributed to why you feel this way. Understand that Loneliness is not a bad thing and in your possession is a wand to poof and zap it to your will; may you find it in yourself to find peace in personal time and take this time to feel comfortable and have the courage to voice out your thoughts and feelings.

In a safe space where people listen to other people be themselves, Tin Can will be here to hear you.

We have to understand that everyone goes through loneliness at least once in their life. Loneliness is not a bad thing, it helps us grow personally, contributes to our self-awareness, and it teaches us that it is important to balance out our personal time and time with others.

Tin Can wants to alleviate the current “loneliness” in the 21st century. We aim to emotionally connect people in this hyper-connected generation without taking the mobile out of the equation. On Tin Can, may you find your tribe through talking and communicating. By sharing day to day mundane things, may you seek out small moments of humanity. Being audio-based, may we eliminate superficiality and remember that comparison is the thief of joy. Lastly, as scary as it may sound, may you allow yourself to be vulnerable to the people you trust; through this vulnerability, may you open your hearts and allow deeper emotional connections.

Take the Loneliness Scale Test Now and Tell us about your Results.

Get in touch with us on our social media channels:

Tin Can / Instagram / Twitter / Facebook / YouTube

talking with like-minded strangers
Tin Can: Connect Like-Minded People Through Audio Conversation

