My New Audio Obsession

Tin Can is a new app for you to express your most authentic self while making genuine connections with others.


As someone obsessed with audio culture, I’m excited for the opportunity to give you a glimpse of Tin Can. I’m new here and will be digging in to share not only what you can do on the app, but will also be putting a spotlight on some of the fun and inspiring ways that Tin Casters are expressing themselves.

Like Tin Can’s founders, I believe that the human voice and sound are compelling tools for telling stories (more about that in the next post!). The hope is that we can speak our stories and share sound in an interactive and supportive space.

Although I have lots of experience as a college radio DJ and podcaster, there’s something quite different about the world being created on Tin Can. It’s even more personal and whimsical, where I feel like I can share shorter stories and more unusual bits of audio. While everyone is probably going to use Tin Can in different ways, I’ve been playing around with short audio blogs and experiments with sound. See if you can guess some of the noises that I recorded for my #MysterySound challenge. I love that it’s been driving people crazy already trying to figure out the secret sounds!

I’m also looking forward to being surprised by what others are creating on Tin Can. It’s super easy to get started. Just download the app, create your profile, and then begin recording. You can either do a live broadcast or make a recording to share later.

I know that a glowing red “record” button can be intimidating, so here are a few ideas to get you recording:

  • Tell a quick story from your day
  • Record an audio diary about something that’s important to you
  • Sing or play an original song
  • Record environmental sounds where you live, like the sound of rain or traffic
  • Make an ASMR recording, like the crunching of a piece of paper or opening a box

The main rules are simple: be nice and be original. There’s no tolerance for bullying, hate speech, violence, illegal activities, or sexually explicit content. Please don’t violate copyrights or intellectual property rights of others. Read the Community Guidelines and Terms of Service to get more details and learn how to report issues if you see them.

Tin Can wants to create a friendly community of audio enthusiasts. This is just the beginning and we can’t wait to hear your voices and sound curations!

