Introducing Medium Collections

Let’s welcome our newest feature

elizabeth tobey
2 min readMar 15, 2016

Have you ever read something great on Medium and thought, “I’d like to know more about that!”?

Us too.

Today, we announce collections, our newest feature to create a more browsable Medium. Collections are our first iteration of helping folks find more of what they’re looking for on Medium. We want everyone to be able to find more of what they want — and whether that’s about a topic or a tribe of people who are into the same stuff you are, collections are going to be a huge help in achieving that goal.

What’s up with collections

Collections hold topic-based content from all sorts of places, both on and off Medium. Featured on the top of the homepage on iOS and Android, they are an amazing way to find diverse viewpoints about an idea, thing, place, person… well, anything. Want to find out more about the 2016 presidential campaign, including all the amazing articles from candidates on Medium? There’s a collection for that. And because collections can contain other collections, you can go as deep into Trump’s candidacy as you’d like or stay as broad as the entire election cycle.

What version 1 of collections is all about

V1 of collections powers our new and improved homepage on iOS and Android. Medium is a place for meaningful conversation — and that comes down to finding something good to read. Starting today, topic-based sections are now available on the homepage on iOS and Android. (Collections will be coming to the web sometime in the next several weeks.) You’ll be able to find new collections in these sections each day, curated by Medium and a small set of early testers.

What we’re thinking about for the future of collections

We’re just getting started with collections. While we’re really excited about collections now and how they’re going to make the Medium homepage even better than it was before, we’re not done yet.

In the coming months, we’ll be opening up collections so that everyone can create them. (If you are interested in becoming an early tester and helping with this project, you can add your name to the list here.) We’re also working on ways to customize and personalize the collections you see, based on your interests. (To read more about how we’re thinking about curation right now, check out this post.) And, of course, we want to make collections more interactive so you can follow them as they evolve and continue the conversations we’ve all grown to love on Medium.

Let us know what you think

As always, any and all comments, thoughts, requests, and reactions are welcome. Just leave a response below.



elizabeth tobey

East coaster with a secret SF love affair. I enjoy juxtaposing things. Also: Cheese and tiny dachshunds.