
With Multiple View Type | Series : 03

Simuchand B
Published in
10 min readJan 25, 2021


Category: AndroidDev | Kotlin

RecyclerView — With Multiple View Type

This is a series of blogs that help you understand the concept of RecyclerView and demonstrate the implementation of the same. Welcome back to third blog of the series RecyclerView — With Multiple View Type. In the previous blog RecyclerView — A Deep Dive we explored the key classes of RecyclerView and had some fun time programming our very first app of this series My Buddy which enabled us to understand the core working of RecyclerView. In this series we will explore how to implement RecyclerView with Multiple View Type initially we understand the flow and then have fun by improvising our My Buddy with multiple view type that allows some item in the list to display the image of our buddy along with the name and tag line.


  • We explored the key classes of RecyclerView which helps us to display data in a list.
  • Concepts of ViewHolder, Adapter and LayoutManager were discussed in detail.
  • ViewHolder is the design layout that every item in the list uses to bind it’s data. RecyclerView.ViewHolder is how you call ViewHolder.
  • Adapters are responsible to bind the data with the ViewHolder. RecyclerView.Adapter is how you call Adapters in RecyclerView.



Simuchand B
Talking Android

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