The good news of salvation

Emmanuel Jafaru
Talking Faith
6 min readDec 11, 2023



My life is played right before me as a piece of evidence against me. Every bit of it was evidence of my violation of the reality and works of Christ. It was as though I had become an embodiment of the term “Sin”.

How did I get here?

What do I do now?

Is there a way out for me?

What can save me from this fate of condemnation that stares me right in the face?

These thoughts flew around my mind and head as I stood before the court, judged for my trespasses — for they were many.

I looked around the courtroom and I could see how much those present would love to lynch on me.

I knew that the only thing restraining them was the leash of the courtroom on their necks or else they would have furiously pounced on me!

From left and right, I could hear men decide my fate. I could feel their intense gaze of condemnation, their eyes giving me the glare of death. I could hear condemnation through their breath.

I raised my head and I beheld my accuser. I wanted to tell myself that there would be a way out of this, but right in his face, I could see my doom glaring right into my eyes. I saw him smile, “that high-toned vicious” smile. It was daunting.

Yeah, this was the end but I won’t give up, once again I summoned all the courage I had and said to myself, ‘he is just an accuser, there is nothing he can do’.

Though he has all the evidence, the decision still lies for the jury to make.

I needed to find the slightest iota of hope, immediately I changed my focus and turned towards the Jury. They whose decision it would eventually be to ascribe my fate. As I looked through the jury, I could see myself sinking through the eyes of them all. They sat and looked upon me with disdain like a filthy rag piled to its doomsday. oh, it’s my doomsday, my heart sank.

O dear, what’s left for me to hold unto? I looked towards the judge. I could see his haste to pass my judgment.

I could see myself falling into a pit without an end and could hear voices telling me that I had come to my destruction, all these just by looking at the eyes of the judge.

Finally, am left to myself. My wandering and racing mind and head came to a calm. I have messed up.

I have sped past redemption, I cried. So I stood there watching as the evidence was presented against me. It would soon be over, I consoled myself, but it wasn’t seeming to come to an end anytime soon. The evidences against me were so much, and they all were hard-core, one that nobody can refute.

I then heard the Judge call for recess and when we return, we shall receive the decision of the jury.

Once more, I had the longest and briefest 10 minutes of my life. Longest in the sense that I was able to go through all the events of my life, and brief in the sense that all the events flashed by. In no time, I was returned once again with both my arms bound by chains and shackles on my legs into the courtroom.

At the instruction of the Judge, the Jury’s decision was read out to the court. It was with unanimity that they found me wanting and thereby pronounced me guilty. The judge again took a pause, and after a while, he sentenced me to intense torture and death by crucification.

Oh no!


I cried out.

Please, permit mercy to speak in the presence of justice, I cried out loud but this time it was obvious that my cries and pleas were indeed futile.

It was a sentence that was agreed upon by the entire courtroom. The observers, the Jury and the Judge, all came to this same decision. Everyone watched as I was to be escorted to the yard, where I would begin the sentence for my Sin.

In that very instant, just before the Judge would dismiss the court and leave, something happened. Something that I could not explain happened. A man made his way to the front of the courtroom. I paused, and I asked myself if he was another witness against me, was the Judge going to increase my sentence after hearing him speak? Lots of thoughts ran through my head. What’s next? I’ve been condemned already, so what’s next? My heart exclaimed!

I heard him speak boldly but calmly, he confirmed I was filthy and guilty as charged, he supported and praised the Judge and Jury for their decision of a sentence befitting the crime, I deserved it he added. Then he paused, looked sternly at me, smiled, looked at the Jury, dropped his head to the floor and back to the Judge, and then he started again. He pleaded to offer up himself as a substitute in my stead.

The Judge took a while to respond. He looked at the Jury, all who gave a nod to show consent. The Judge resumed. The law creates room for substitution. That is, another, completely free by the law, can offer to take up the guilt and punishment for another, condemned by the law. He paused, looked at me and added, this can only be available if the guilty accepts the substitution. Then he asked if I would accept the substitution.

I accept!! I scream, knowing fully well that this is an escape route that has been offered to me.

The judge pronounced me totally and completely guiltless and declared that I could not be helped to book as regards any of the evidence brought against me. He established that I had taken on a new state by the law.

I saw him dragged out of the courtroom. He was dealt with as though he was the actual sinner. He paid the full requirements and demands for the crimes I have committed. By the substitution, he had become the sinner and I, the righteous.

I saw him beaten, yeah, the torture was intense indeed. The punishment was without mercy. He was pierced with thorns, he was torn with the saw on the flesh, he was bruised, he was spat on, he was ripped off his robe, he was made a mockery of, he was made the centre of ridicule, all these he took in my place. He was dragged to the place of the skull, where he would be hung, he was nailed, he cried of thirst and was given vinegar, he was nailed fast to this cross. This cross where the righteous one went only for me. This cross was where he breathed his most painful and cried the loudest. Then I looked up to the cross and asked why would you do this for me?

The moment he heard my voice, he looked down at me and smiled, I could see the blood drip off his head and face from the thorns, the blood from his arms and foot where he was nailed and on his sides where he was injured, bruised and torn with the saw all for me, yet he smiled, as though he was still fulfilled dying, and he said to me, “that you may know the Father's love for you who choose to believe”. One was given that many may arise.

This is my reality in Christ. I am free indeed, in Christ am free indeed, no chains are holding me, it’s who I choose to be.

Stay blessed, and enjoy the grace of God made available to you.

