ELK6.x on Centos7.x — Quick install

Itamar Yerushalmi
Talking Tech Around
1 min readJan 29, 2018

How many times did you want to to install something for testing something specific. “Let’s do it quick manually , i won’t need it more then this time” is something i always negotiate with myself . As part of working a-lot with ELK i come across with this question a-lot. This time i was looking for a fast way to install one node -ELK6 for Centos/RHEL 7.

Instead of doing the work myself i started to look for something on the web but there are a lot of out dated playbooks online and github has become a graveyard for not-operational stuff .I have based my playbook on Arun’s Prasath one but did some minor changes to fit the ELK 6.x . The playbook is written as a role — so you can use it in your Ansible CM.

You can find it here:

I’ll be posting a second part on “Cluster mode” as well in the next weeks.

