Hi, Oscar.

Jay Ramachandran
Talking with my daughter
2 min readJul 15, 2014

This conversation occurs one day when we are about to get in my car to daycare and work.

Neela: Appa, I need to talk on my phone in the car… like how you talk for work.

Me: Really? Okay, let’s get your phone. But please be careful with it in school, okay?

« Neela thinks I’m being rhetorical. She doesn’t account for my inelegant ways of phrasing questions. »

Me: Neela, say okay, Appa.

Neela: OK, Appa.

« So we get her phone, and I buckle both my girls in. We’re off on our way. About 15 minutes into our journey… »

Neela: Hi, Oscar. Can you please… (inaudible)

Me: Ah, you’re talking to Oscar. What did you tell him?

At Fink’s farm in Long Island

« At this point, I am expecting to hear something about Sesame Street. And I’m curious because Neela loves Elmo. It seems strange that she would talk to Oscar instead. Neela is caught up in her fantasy world, and ignores me while she continues on her phone… »

Neela: Hi, Oscar. Can you please cut the grass and plant some more flowers for me?

« Ah, she’s talking to my lawn guy. Now, that’s creative. »

Me: Oh, what did Oscar say?

Neela: He said Yes. And I said, Thank you. And he said, You welcome…

Me: You said, you’re welcome. That’s great honey. You like Oscar’s flowers, right?

Neela: Yes.



Jay Ramachandran
Talking with my daughter

Husband. Father. Someone who loves nice things. INTJ, for those who know what that means. Restrained.