Life Without Technicolor

Caleb B. Awesome
TalkLife Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2017
(Technicolora process of color cinematography using synchronized monochrome films, each of a different color, to produce a movie in color.)

Some people in life, have a wide range of color surrounding them, others are without it. Some use a wide lens, others use a small lens. You may think I’m talking about those with actual problems with their vision, like the blind, or those who cannot see actual color, but in this case, I’m actually talking about the idea of a different type of vision. I’m talking about positivity and beauty being color. But what if this color is taken away?

Take a film like “Avatar” for example (whether you like the film or not) filled with broad spectrums of color and cinematic eye-candy. Now, imagine taking that color away, you would have a completely different film. One that is not as pleasing to the eyes. It is no longer colorful or as I said before, beautiful.

Well, depression works the same way. Before it plagued your mind and took over your life, you had a different outlook on things. That color, that beauty, is now obscured. The wide lens you once had, is now small, and you have no idea how to repair your broken vision. In real life, you cannot just get a new camera at the local store, and have the color back into your film. You are given one camera, one life.

So What Do You Do?

Can you buy a new lens? Can you be repaired? As I said before, you only have one camera, one life. So what do you do? Your mind is filled with thoughts you feel you have no escape of, and everywhere you look is a constant reminder of what once was… It’s something that has you trapped.

It doesn’t help that those around you seem to not understand as well as you think they should, because they can still see crystal clear! So you ask yourself:

“Will I ever see beauty again?”

The answer I have may surprise you. Yes you will. The difference between you and an actual camera, is no matter how broken you may feel, you are never unable to be fixed. You are not an object that is of little value, that can just be thrown away and replaced. You are priceless.

Adding Back Your Technicolor

When depression takes over you, you feel as if you have no hope in ever getting out. So what is it that you can do to bring back the color in your life? There are many healthy ways in order to bring back your Technicolor. For example:

  • Meditation
  • Belief/Religion
  • Medication
  • Therapy
  • Hobbies (Writing, Art, Poetry, Music)
  • Meeting New People

These are just a few things to try. However, whatever you choose to do is up to you. Bringing back what you once lost is not an easy path to take but it will be worth it. You are worth it and so is your life.

In time, you will notice beauty and positivity coming back into your life. It’s a slow process and it doesn’t happen all at once, but it does happen to those who seek it. As I’ve said before, you are not an object forever broken, you are a person. You are never beyond repair.

The only thing that limits you, is yourself. Once you have Technicolor back into your life, like I do, you will understand that you do not have to live your life in black and white.

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