Chatbots discoverability problem and what we are doing about it

Felix Cheruiyot
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2018

2017–2018 being years of the bot, we have seen thousands of businesses embracing the chatbot ideas in their sales process and customer support.

Being a relatively new concept, challenges start to kick in when you have to create awareness of your new sales channel. For big brands this might be easy to get it done especially when the business has fanatic followers and agood budget. Small businesses find challenging and have no idea on how they can put their new experiment to test.

Here at BiasharaBot we acknowledge this challenges and the following are some of the things we are doing make it easy for our customers to get started.

How do you market your new chatbot?

Sharing and recommendations

The fact that chatbots run on messaging platforms like Messenger makes social sharing very powerful and effective. We have embedded social sharing in various user chat flows within the bot. Key areas to look at are — encouraging users to recommend/share after every successful purchase (people like sharing their wow moments), have sharing buttons below each product and at the top menu. We always try to encourage the users to recommend the brand they love to friend and family. This has proved to be a very effective means of spreading the word out their.

Targeted marketing

In an effort of also making our brand know, on weekly basis we run Facebook ads on success stories. We feature our customer’s brands and target properly within their niche. The approach has been a win-win for all the stakeholders. We strongly believe that creating chatbot concept awareness is also our responsibility. With the target marketing approach, we have seen businesses brands grow with new customer base and the chatbot concept getting popular.

Marketing flayers and posters

This old school approach also works really well. The idea is to make existing walking customers to be your product ambassadors in some way. Most small businesses serve a limited radius within their reach. With flayers and posters, they are able to spread this word well within their community. Our in-house designers work with the businesses to come-up with great and professional designs.

We strive to make BiasharaBot platform a go to stack for businesses that runs online. Our plan is to work with our customers and partners and provide great product features, and support they need to thrive.

