A Simpler Way To Start Your Slack-Integrated Team Calls When Mobile

Talko Team
Tap the Mic
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2015

As much fun as it is to type “/talko” in a Slack channel to begin a team call, it’s sometimes simpler to tap the phone icon in the Talko mobile app.

Like, when you’re walking down the street.

Or on the city bus.

Or making yourself some yummy breakfast.

Or any time your phone is handy and your PC is not. Which is whenever you’re away from your desk. Which, for many of us, is much of the time these days.

We’ve heard your feedback: You want all your team calls to be accessible via link in the Slack channel. This includes calls started in the iOS or Android (beta) Talko app while mobile.

So we shipped an improvement to our Slack integration that makes it work bi-directionally! Now, when you’re mobile, you can start the Slack-integrated call in Talko. A link to the LIVE call appears in the Slack channel. That link is accessible at that very moment, or later on, just as it is when you start the call via a “/talko” text post in Slack. Any member of the Slack channel can click on the link to take part in, view or replay the call in our web app (beta).

1) Once the call starts in Talko, a link is posted in the corresponding Slack channel. 2) Anyone at their PC can click that link to enter the call in the web.

Note that this only works if you’ve previously established the integration between the Slack channel and the Talko channel. This is done by starting at least one call with the “/talko” command texted in Slack. More info on setup and call initiation can be found in our original announcement of the Slack integration.

But this Slack integration improvement isn’t everything! There’s also new goodness in our beta web app.

Sure, Slack integration customers can find any Talko call via the links that get posted into the channel. But for many teams those links are interspersed amongst a lot of text chatter.

Access to all your recent Talko calls in the web.

We’ve made it simple to see all your recent Talko calls in a single view.

You may already be familiar with the Home screen in the Talko mobile app. You can think of this new web feature as the first version of Home for the Talko web app. Currently, it’s a simple list view of all recent calls in Talko. You can scroll to find one you’re looking for and enter. You access this Home view in the web app by clicking the back button in the upper left when in a call.

We’re thankful for your feedback — it helped us prioritize and deliver these improvements. Of course there’s so much more to do! We look forward to hearing what you think about these improvements, and what you’d like to see next.

Get Talko — try it with your team!

Interested in our Android beta program? Shoot a mail to support@talko.com and we’ll make it happen.



Talko Team
Tap the Mic

We want to make your team’s mobile communication simpler and more pleasant.