ICYMI: John Gruber of Daring Fireball on indie publishing and app development

2 min readAug 24, 2016


This week on Pop Life, Anil Dash talked with John Gruber, editor of Daring Fireball, the indispensable blog about Apple…and ther other things John loves. In a wide-ranging conversation, Anil and John talked about the current state of indie publishing, the closing of his app Vesper, the outrageous price of epi-pens, how lousy Spectre was his favorite baseball player, and meeting Steve Jobs…

There was a hands-on area in Moscone, a big area to the side, where they had iPhone 4 units on tables for examination. At one point I wound up talking to Katie Cotton, and after a few minutes she said, “Would you like to meet Steve?”

Me: “Has anyone ever said no to that question?”

Katie: Laughed “No.”

In case you missed it, check out the Talkshow with John**, and tune in next Tuesday for Anil’s next Pop Life Talkshow with another amazing guest. If you haven’t already, make sure to grab the app so that you can participate…and even host a show of your own.

**And yes, John answered a Q&A about the name of our app and the name of his podcast. For the record, we’re not planning on renaming the company “Daringfireball.”

