How Talkus is evolving towards a much simpler and faster version of what it was

Guillaume Moubeche
Published in
3 min readJan 14, 2019

If you’re looking at most products out there, you realize that with time, they become more and more complex as they grow…

That’s a fact.

However, we, at Talkus, have decided to work a bit differently… As a startup, our goal is to experiment as much as we can and be as flexible as possible to find what’s working best for our customers.

After digging into the analytics of the platform we’ve realized that our product was becoming too complex and that the value proposition was not so clear anymore…

Well… let’s face it… Talkus is not and will never become the new Intercom or Drift. But that’s absolutely fine because this is not our goal.

We want to create the simplest live chat in Slack that helps startups and small businesses grow.

We don’t believe in bots, and we’re still firm believers that talking to a human in the chat is what makes the difference.

So… you’re probably wondering how exactly we’ve made Talkus a simpler and faster product?

Well… We’ve decided to remove all the features below that were not useful:

We’ve noticed that the engagement rate for the news inside the chat was really low due to the fact that most people already use newsletters for that purpose.

Visitor Monitoring
Yeah, I know… it’s nice sometimes to be able to stalk people while they’re visiting your website… But what’s next? Are you really going to start chatting with them using push notifications? Since we believe that this feature was a bit too intrusive and not necessary we’ve removed it as well.

Phone & Webcall
This one was a bit tricky… But again, we specialize in centralizing chat into Slack. Calls should be tracked into a CRM and not into Slack.

As I was mentioning above, our goal is really to be all in with Slack… and the report forces you to go the app each time you want to know what’s happen. We’ll come with a better system soon.

/talkus_on /talkus_off command
Initially, you were able to show which agent was available on the chat… However, we realized that most people where asking their questions no matter if there were someone available or not and it’s cool since the goal is your help people as soon as possible. The live chat is also a great way to get people’s email as Talkus asks for it automatically in order to send the message via email if they are not on the chat anymore. integration
Adding too much complexity to our chat was definitely not a good idea

In the end, we’ve decided to focus on the features that matter the most. As I mentioned previously, our goal is to help small businesses grow and save time through a human chat in Slack. The fact that Slack is the best tool for teams to work together, we’ve decided to implement a way to centralize all communications in Slack.

With Talkus, we want you to be able to centralize all your communications with your existing or future customers directly into Slack. Wether they want to chat with you on your website, via email, on facebook messenger or via text message — you’ll be able to answer directly from Slack.

If you want to learn more about what’s next stay tuned and make sure to follow us on Medium!

