5 Tips for Transforming Your Support Org With AI

Alyssa Verzino
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2019

Artificial intelligence is transforming businesses in ways few expected, but perhaps none more support than customer support organizations. If your support org is ready to embrace AI, here are five tips and tricks for automating your support challenges away.

#1 — Automate Case Deflection with AI

What’s better than first-call resolution? No-call resolution — and AI can help you get there. New automation tools can tie into your uptime monitoring tools, customer usage dashboards, and support ticketing systems to predict and classify when service slowdowns or certain combinations of customer activities correlate with eventual customer support tickets. Once it knows how to spot these issues in advance, AI can either flag the problems for internal intervention by engineers or customer success teams, or proactively reach out to the customer on its own to offer documented support procedures for known technical issues.

The customer gets their problem solved before they need to file a case, and AI did all the heavy lifting.

#2 — Automate Customer Data Capture with AI

Rather than ask your human support reps to manually capture customer demographics and issue details (via a tiresome rote script) at the beginning of every support call, have a virtual support assistant do the grunt work. With a little integration to your CRM system, an AI agent can keep these preamble conversations short, simple, and save your live support reps time (and sanity).

#3 — Automate Triage and Escalation with AI

WIth a little annotated training data from past customer support conversations, AI can learn to distinguish between RTFM problems and real, high-level support issues. As soon as a ticket comes into the queue, AI can triage and assign the issue to the right support tier, which may be its own Tier 0 level of support. Calls get closed faster because they only ever need one live person, at most, to solve the problem.

#4 — Automate Documentation Updates with AI

If you give your AI agent access to your support-to-customer conversation logs (chat, emails, transcribed call recordings), it can learn to identify cases where a human support rep had to “compensate” for incomplete or inaccurate documentation. Phrases like “ignore steps one and two if you’re using a Mac,” or “those prices are from last year, here are the new rates,” will prompt the AI to flag items in your support knowledge base for update by subject-matter experts or, with enough training, the AI can even amend the documentation itself.

And if that documentation is available in your self-service support FAQs, customers can stop calling because they finally have the proper data to help themselves. Meanwhile, calls get shorter and easier because AI makes documentation better.

#5 — Automate Ticket Administration with AI

Every time a customer contacts your support org, your process requires a logged support ticket — which is just one more admin task that AI can and should automate away. When it’s capturing customer data, AI can build a ticket, too. When it’s monitoring for documentation updates, AI can add captured data to the ticket. And when a call is over, AI can close and log the resolution for you — all without wasting your human support reps’ time with tedious virtual paperwork.

Artificial intelligence is ready to start streamlining your support organization with virtual assistants. If you’re ready to start automating your way to the future of customer support, contact Talla today.

