Building a partner-centric blockchain ecosystem

Anthony Habayeb
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2018

This is part of the series explaining BotChain. Start here if you are new.

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How to build an autonomous ecosystem — technical flexibility, open ears and the right guidance.

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[ek-oh-sis-tuh m, ee-koh-]

  1. a system, or a group of interconnected elements, formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment.
  2. any system or network of interconnecting and interacting parts, as in a business

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I’m a huge believer in the power and potential of great partnerships. When defined and aligned with shared purpose or interconnected abilities, partnerships can do things better, faster or more meaningfully than alone. If you work within an ecosystem of partners applying personal relationship rules like clear communication and trust, together, ideas become actions and those actions results.

I’ve been fortunate through my career to participate be part of some really impactful partnerships and ecosystems — I’m excited to try my hand at building an ecosystem for BotChain.

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Ecosystem — a group of interconnected elements formed by the interaction of a community…

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As a primer on BotChain, you should visit our website or the prior posts in this series about BotChain. In summary, we’re building a decentralized blockchain platform which provides fundamental protocols for identity, audit and compliance to an ecosystem comprised of builders and customers of enterprise autonomous agents.

What is an Autonomous Agent? It is a bot, software or process that operates intelligently thanks to design and continual improvement. It is something that can make decisions or take actions on behalf of a business without human involvement.

So who cares about BotChain…A LOT OF PEOPLE! Artificial Intelligence (AI) companies, RPA companies, chatbot companies, auditors, regulators, software platforms, crypto developers…

We recently announced some early partners, but will continually update our partner page with the most recent list of partners and specific information on how to join our ecosystem.

There is a lot of great thought leadership out there regarding what the best blockchain projects should do or have in common. We at BotChain are heavily aligned with those that think the best projects are ones that prioritize partner involvement and decentralized governance.

Building a partner-centric blockchain ecosystem has 4 key components:

  • Decentralized governance (we mapped out our thoughts on that here)
  • Open-sourced and collaborative software (read our platform thoughts here)
  • Partner motivating token incentive structure
  • Ecosystem relationship development and communication

Token Incentive Structure

The BotChain token offering process intentionally sets aside a large percentage of generated tokens to incentivize and reward partner participation. In early days we’ll intentionally fund partners with tokens to perform work like bot registration or decision hashing. As we evolve, we’ll reward partners for contributing value or development to BotChain such as node hosting or identity validation. Our management of token economics will always have a lens for the best possible incentive structures for good actors. We are interested in creating a platform where every participant has clear paths for earning and spending, but we also believe it is the role of BotChain to continually distribute tokens strategically to platform partners to further the adoption and value of the platform. Our Governance will take responsibility for the future management of token distributions to insure decentralized decision-making.

Relationship and communication development

My job is to bring those interested parties together and to establish a set of standards and tools that equally help all parties to build and collaborate.

The first two things BotChain is building, agent identity and audibility, are ideas that come from early partners and Talla’s deep involvement in the enterprise AI marketplace. Collective input has informed our platform development, use-case prioritization and features. Early partners are actively engaged in testing and before we launch functionality onto public chains, our platform will be decentralized thanks to other partners hosting nodes and adding work to BotChain.

We fully intend to build BotChain so that every participant has immediate value and the potential to create incremental value.

Our aim is to be highly transparent and available to all our current and prospective partners. Ways we are doing that:

  • Github
  • Developer page
  • API documentation
  • dedicated developer evangelists

We intend to actively engage people across the ecosystem for help building and planning. We look forward to organizing conferences and meet-ups where we can all collectively share learnings and opportunities.

We will bring strong operating experience and discipline to BotChain. We know how to run companies, we know how to build stuff and we know what good partnerships look like.

On behalf of BotChain and all the early partners — we look forward to working with you and, together, growing the future work of autonomous agents!

