Talla Task Assistant Now Supports Group Tasks

Rob May
Published in
2 min readAug 3, 2016

Our natural language to-do list manager, Talla the Task Assistant, has been out for 3 weeks now and the response has been great. Today we are excited to announce our next feature — the ability to manage group to-do lists and assign tasks to other people. This new feature helps teams collaborate and manage projects all together. It all happens within Slack, where you can take the discussion items your team is working through, and turn them into action items.

Though it currently works in Slack, the Hipchat integration is coming soon. Group task lists live within channels so, any Slack channel you have can have a group task list. You can assign tasks to anyone in the channel, and the task list will display a list of all tasks for the group, who it was assigned to, and when it was due. An example is below.

Rachel, our UX intern, adding some tasks to our #general channel

Of course, you can still manage your own private task list by direct messaging Talla, just as you could before. Best of all, it’s all natural language driven — no slash commands to remember. If you have already installed Talla, you already have this functionality so please try it out and let us know what you think. If you want to try it out, you can install Talla here.

We are working hard on more functionality for Talla assistants, some of which is described in this recent MIT Tech Review article about us. If you are interested in employee onboarding and HR functionality in a digital assistant, it will be out this fall. You can sign up here if you want to be an early user, or reach out directly at hello@talla.com.



Rob May
Editor for

CTO/Founder at Dianthus, Author of a Machine Intelligence newsletter at inside.com/ai, former CEO at Talla and Backupify.