Talla To-Do Assistant Update And Product Hunt Launch

Rob May
Published in
1 min readJul 22, 2016

We have a couple of exciting updates to share about what the Talla Task Assistant can do to help you manager your task/to-do list. But first, we are on Product Hunt today, and would love for you to check us out there.

Over the next two weeks, you will see a few things roll out. First of all, most of you should be seeing buttons now to complete or reschedule tasks. We found that rescheduling tasks was a bit confusing, so this should help. Secondly, we have group task lists in beta. This allows several people to share a task list using a channel hashtag, and assign tasks to each other. And finally, we have the ability to assign reminders to other people. You can say “Talla, remind @someperson to call Susie at 3pm tomorrow” and that takes one more thing off your mind.

We love feedback, so if there are things you would like to see, please email us hello@talla.com.



Rob May
Editor for

CTO/Founder at Dianthus, Author of a Machine Intelligence newsletter at inside.com/ai, former CEO at Talla and Backupify.