3 tips on being secure and safe online

Alexander Chanadiri
TalTech Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 30, 2020

Being safe online is a difficult task. Nowadays, we are constantly connected and we might be less alert, therefore being more vulnerable towards malicious actions of certain people or groups behind computer(s). Here are three very short and important tips on how you can be more secure while being online.

  1. Don’t be a victim of spam

According to Statista spam messages accounted for 57.26 percent of emails by end of 2019 and this trend is growing rapidly.

  • Think twice before clicking on links or opening attachments.
  • Be suspicious of any email that you are not expecting.
  • Pay attention to the sender’s email, their greeting, misspelt words and/or poorly written sentences
  • Do not open attachments.
  • Spammers tend to create a sense of urgency.

2. Protect your passwords

According to the United Kingdom National Cyber Security Centre 23.2 million victim accounts worldwide used 123456 as their password.

  • Never reveal your passwords! Like …never, ever!
  • Make sure that they are complex (long, unique and use multi-factor authentication).
  • Password managers such as Lastpass or 1password can help you to store such passwords that might be hard to remember and can be used throughout many platforms.
  • Use different passwords for different accounts
  • Do not let apps and websites remember your passwords.

3. Update software and systems

According to BulletProof’s 2019 report for organizations, 22% of the high and critical-risk issues come as a result of out-of-date, using no longer supported software or missing patches. This number is higher for individuals.

  • Update or patch software regularly: software updates will fix known flaws and help into keeping malicious actors out.
  • Updated and patched software would ensure that you will not fall victim to different attacks that can compromise your data.

CybExer Technologies, an Estonian company provides also a free course on helping you have better cyber hygiene that goes beyond our tips. Check here for the course.

The author of the article is a Student Ambassador of TalTech







