After two years of working in Estonia, why did I choose to go to school here?

Yuelin Yin
TalTech Blog
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2021

Hello, I’m Yuelin, a member of Taltech student ambassador, and today I want to share my own two-year experience in Estonia.

Came to Estonia

The difference from many people is that most people come to study first, and I come to work first. I graduated from a university in China two years ago. I don’t want “996” (996 means to work from nine in the morning to nine in the evening, six days a week) and the idea of ​​”There are really too many people in China” made me came to Estonia to do sales work in the beginning. Then I changed my job to my current company and worked on project management in Asia. Unlike usual Chinese companies, I also appreciate that the companies here respect employee’s time arrangements and choices. I can learn while working, as long as I finish my work on time.

Determine interests

Since my undergraduate period, I have always had the idea of study for a master’s degree, but at that time it was mainly because I didn’t like my major, but now it is mainly because I want to choose a career path that suits my development.

So, because of my interest and practical purpose, I chose law.

Why Taltech?

Of course, technology. If I can relate to future development trends and interests, then law and technology, plus their trend in Estonia, are the best choices for me. At Taltech, only 36 law-related ECTS are required to apply for law graduates. I accumulated my ECTS while working, and it took nearly a year.

Finally, I went from knowing nothing about law to a little understanding, and then successfully applying for a master’s program.

This experience is really one of the most valuable experiences in my life, and I even think that I will be able to proudly tell others about it in 10 years:)

Office life (with a bit of moodle, shh-) in the centre of Tallinn

Full-time work + full-time study

Many people are already complaining that full time study is anxious and exhausting, so what is the feeling of full-time work + full-time study?

The feeling is, I wondered whether I made the right choice after the intense study in the first two weeks of school. But two months later, now I feel that such a fulfilling life was indeed what I wanted, and I could meet many lecturers and classmates who are full of wise. I think this is the most correct decision I have ever made.

And yeah, one of the most important reason is that I finally can afford my tuition after two years of work :)



Yuelin Yin
TalTech Blog

Export Project Manger in Tallinn | Law MA student at Taltech | From China | Student ambassador