Best books to read during winter break

Reading (and listening) recommendations from TalTech Student Ambssadors

Roman Cole
TalTech Blog
3 min readJan 7, 2022


Getting into the habit of reading can do wonders for your brain —science shows that regular reading can make you smarter, improve your memory, and make you a better communicator. But with so many books in the world, where should you start?

We asked our Student Ambassadors to share their favourite books they digested (and podcasts they listened to) in 2021, and got an extensive list of recommendations that you can check out below. What better way to start training your mind for a new semester than kicking off your winter break with a great read?

Andrii recommends…

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman & The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

Why should you read them?
Regardless of your study field, I think everybody can find some useful knowledge and inspiration in these books, especially in The Magic of Thinking Big, really good read.

Hamzah recommends…

The Blue Ocean Strategy by Renée Mauborgne and W. Chan Kim

Why should you read it?
It’s a great way for marketers and businessman to deal with uncharted territories within the market.

Bushra recommends…

Normal People by Sally Rooney

Why should you read it?
I think a lot of university aged students will find this book to be quite relatable. This novel beautifully portrays the complexities of friendships and first relationships. But what I found to be the most impressive is how it dealt with issues like mental health, class divisions and struggles to adapt to a new environment at university. Would highly recommend it!

Anas recommends…

Business Wars (podcast)

Why should you listen to it?
It draws attention to the inside stories of big businesses and how they managed to achieve one of their biggest winnings or losses, so thoroughly put together in a storyline.

Roman recommends…

Bad Blood by John Carreyrou & Exhalation by Ted Chiang

Why should you read them?
Bad Blood is a true story about how the company Theranos was exposed for lying to investors, and probably one of the best business-related books I’ve ever read. Since I read it alongside taking entrepeneurship classes at TalTech, which teach you everything about how to run a business, it provided a great contrast that showed how not to run a business and was entertaining in general. Exhalation is a collection of sci-fi short stories that touch on topics such as virtual reality and how technology affects our humanity — I found them all to be really engaging and well-written, and they gave me a lot to think about.

Maggy recommends…

The Defining Decade by Meg Jay

Why should you read it?
I would say since I am in my 20s I am at a point where I don’t really know what to do with myself. This book really helped me focus and actually think about what my 20s could mean if I want it to be more than waiting tables.

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Roman Cole
TalTech Blog

Tallinn University of Technology — International Business Administration (BA), student ambassador, from Canada