Erasmus during world pandemic is possible!

Svitlana Kharchenko
TalTech Blog
Published in
4 min readFeb 17, 2021

Caroline Schuhmann from the University of Applied Sciences Krems in Austria is currently doing her exchange semester at TalTech. What are her first impressions after one month in Tallinn? How Erasmus in Tallinn looks like during corona pandemic? What would she recommend to others in these online times?

In the area of Keila Joa waterfall

My Erasmus Experience

Wow, where to start. Let me introduce myself. My name is Caro I am 24 years old, and my home country is Austria. This spring semester 2021 I am doing my Erasmus exchange semester at the TalTech University in Tallinn. The courses I take here at TalTech are part of the International Business Administration Master’s programme.

Why Estonia?

But let’s jump to the beginning and start there. In my home university (IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems) I had the opportunity of going abroad in the 4th semester of my Master’s studies. I had to decide which country/city I wanted to go to. I knew that I wanted to go more to the Northern part of Europe, which only left me with two possibilities, because of the partner universities my home university offers. These were Gdansk and Tallinn. I have already been to Gdansk once (I recommend visiting if you have the chance) and decided to go for a country and city I have never been to before. Before coming to Estonia I only heard positive things about the country from friends and family who have already been there.

Stroll through the old town

Finding friends & other connections

After being in Tallinn for around a month now, I must say it is a beautiful city. In the beginning you need a bit of time to feel home and really arrive, but I think that is completely normal when going abroad. I do think though that it is harder to find connections to other students during the Corona pandemic. But the Erasmus student network (ESN) is doing a really good job in organising online events, so that we can meet at least this way. I am actually really looking forward to all the events happening in person again!
Despite having mostly online classes and online ice-breakings, I already met very nice people (yes, in person) from all over Europe in the first month of being in Tallinn. So, you see it is possible to find new friends even if the circumstances make it a bit harder. We already went to museums, took strolls through the old town of Tallinn and even went sledging and skiing together. I’m looking forward to all the other things we’re going to experience.

Visiting Jägala waterfall

The good…

To start with the major pro about Erasmus is…

  • experiencing life abroad. You get to see and learn about a new country, new culture and new people.
  • The Erasmus exchange will change you — in a positive way. After your semester you will be more open-minded and more aware of other cultures.
  • The information, perspective of life and possibilities you will gain are another big positive part about the experience. During the time abroad you may also redefine your lifetime goals.
  • The last thing I want to mention here are the language skills. If you do your exchange in a country, where you only know little or nothing about the language yet, you also get to learn it.

I am sure, there are far more positive things about the programme that I did not mention here.

Stop by the sea

…and the bad

One downside that needs to be mentioned is the distance between you and your hometown. Even though you experience so much and have such a good time, it is also normal to feel a little homesick from time to time. Another con that is also important during the exchange is the financial factor. Although the Erasmus programme gives you financial support during your time abroad, it might still be tough to pay for everything.


In my opinion the Erasmus programme is one of the best and easiest ways to go abroad during your studies. If it is possible in your university to do an Erasmus exchange, then I highly recommend you take the chance. All the adventures, experiences and new friends you will gain during this time will forever stay with you. I am really happy I took this opportunity and wish everyone who will do an exchange semester in the future all the best!

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Svitlana Kharchenko
TalTech Blog

Immigrant and traveler. Info yoga and all things sustainable. Foreign languages and countries enthusiast.