Henna Rinta-Pollari: “I have always wanted to study or work in another country”

Today we sat together with Henna from Finland. For a professional path, she considers pursuing career in diplomacy and dreams about working in an international organisation.

Alexander Chanadiri
TalTech Blog
4 min readJun 21, 2022


Henna Rinta-Pollari

Why did you decide to study law?

From an early age, I have been able to witness first-hand what it is like to be involved in politics, and I have aspired to influence our society ever since. In fact, when I was eight years old I wrote my first mini-essay on climate change and how we humans could improve our actions. Nonetheless, I have always known that I do not want to be a politician; instead, I would prefer working in a place, where I know I can make a difference.

In addition, as I have grown older, I have started to consider other professional paths or opportunities that may come in the future, such as diplomacy, and I know that a law degree provides a solid foundation that opens doors practically everywhere.

Where did you first hear about TalTech and why did you decide to study here?

While searching for degrees in law in numerous countries, I came across a TalTech advertisement on Facebook, and I attended an information session the following week in Helsinki. I have always wanted to study or work in another country. However, I have been concerned about my own language abilities and the fact that I would be away from my family. TalTech was the ideal place for me to earn an international degree while also improving my language skills. However, the fact that I was only a few hours away from home was the most important aspect in deciding to apply to TalTech.

TalTech library

Tell us about law study programme

In my opinion, the law programme is quite well-structured. It is more academic than practical, but together with the law studies, it also incorporates entrepreneurial, IT, and statistics courses. Public international law has been the most interesting course so far. In addition to this course, we have separate courses on human rights and international humanitarian law, which provide more in-depth information on topics that are only briefly discussed in the public international law course. Professor Evhen Tsybulenko, who teaches these subjects, is an expert on the field, and his knowledge on the matter is incredible. Given the current state of the world, I believe the topic is both timely and fascinating, and I would like to contribute to the resolution of the challenges that surround it.

I am also looking forward to the optional courses, which offer a wide range of topics, such as “Comparative Family Law”, “Foreign Legal System”, and “Cyber Security and Law”.

With fellow students

What do you think about the future of the International Law?

In the ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war, we have already witnessed the problems with international law and its enforcement. I hope that in the future, we will be able to overcome this serious weakness and strengthen international law. I want to be optimistic and think that it is possible, but it will be a lengthy process with no solely determined method to do it.

How does the the student life look like in Tallinn?

I am hoping that after two years of Covid-19 student life, we can finally return to where we were before. We have several student organisations at the university, and you can attend different events every day if you want. Being a member of an association will also help you in your future studies and career. I am currently a general director on the board of MTÜ Õigus, which is a student organisation for law students at TalTech. It is a fantastic way to learn and, more importantly, network, and make new friends.

What do you plan to do after graduating?

I intend to pursue my LLM in public international law after graduating from TalTech. I have always wanted to work for the European Union, the United Nations, or another international organisation, and I hope that one day my dream will come true. As stated, before I have also started to consider other professional paths or opportunities that may come in the future, such as diplomacy.

What’s unique about Estonia?

The location, in my opinion, is the most distinctive feature. As a Finn, I can say that Tallinn is like a better version of Helsinki. Everything is less expensive, and I adore Tallinn as a city because it has a beautiful old town, the sea, and Kadriorg park.

Kadriorg park

The application process to TalTech is still going on. See details here: taltech.ee/en/admissions

